
Oh Zack. I'm sure in person you're much more polite if not outright cowardly. I'm done clicking my e-mails on this thread.

Boss Bad, Worker Good. When I become Boss it. will be bad for Worker.

No, I use it all the time. I see I switched around two words. Zack, you typed "LOL". Were you laughing out loud? My other favorite line is Comrade Grandpa Bernie frowns from the porch of his lakefront third home which would never be nationalized.

I see can you now.. you're a resentful underachiever from a failed rich white upbringing, clutching a useless college degree weighed down by a large student loan. And your facial hair is unfortunate.

Consulting marxists on diversity is like asking rapists about love.

Dear white hipster A.V. Club readers (the 99%). Please help me get justice for the 93 percent of African slaves who went to South and Central America and not the US. Because #NotAHypocrite.

Oh no. Now you can't read this comment. You win this round!

I retired young and have more than enough time to troll resentful underachievers who make up the Useful Idiot Squad whose actions directly contradict their most deeply held beliefs.

I can see you from here. You're a resentful underachiever from a failed white upbringing clutching a worthless college degree anchored by a large student loan. Comrade Grandpa Bernie smiles down upon you from the back porch of his lakefront third home which would never be nationalized.

It's only good when resentful underachievers from rich white homes do that!

That's not fair to either The Narrative or a hip magazine that assures me I'm better than other people because I like the right things and hate the right things just like I'm told.

You point out the bad man who's making you watch this show. I'll take care of him.

Resentful underachiever from a rich white home typed what now?

Let me guess. You're a resentful underachiever from a rich white home with a useless college degree weighed down by a large college loan?

That's amazing! Or they could just serve beer in bottles, cans, and on tap like the rest of the world does.

Youtube the "Two Minutes Hate" clip from 1984. That's what victim culture ideology has reduced itself to.

Yeah, considering she's happily capitulated to censoring comedy in the name of "only punching up".

Amorality does not make you Buddhist.

"Enough of changing your Facebook photo to the flag of the abattoir du jour,
enough of the candlelight vigils, and enough of the #_____Strong
hashtags. No more pleas for unity and pretending not to understand.
We’re not unified, and we all understand, even if we refuse to admit it
because of some bizarre suicide pact

That's right, say a lot of nothing and then do nothing.