
Serial Incest Baby Rapist did what now?

Buffet Master Obi-CD will win this time!

Right? Like if mommy hides a ball behind her back it doesn't exist any more?


Trying too hard to be funny met writing that wasn't up to the challenge.

Add Journalists to the list of Repressed Master Class Victim Groups.

Resentful underachievers with large loans stapled to their useless college degrees are entitled to their own opinions.

You'd think Moveon.org would rush to his defense, considering why they formed in the first place.

Wait, so now drugs are NOT cool. But I thought…

Comrade Grandpa Bernie speaks from the back porch of his lakefront third home that will never be nationalized.

Read the chapters that start off interesting to you and skip the rest.

Humblebrag virtue signal for the win!

The writer missed that pretty much everyone in the MWC universe is a horrible person.

Gosh I'll miss Serial Incest Baby Rapist's show!

Marxists care about people like pedophiles care about children.

Can't the People's Committee just mandate everyone buy, read, and enjoy these exercises in social engineering?

An actor has an opinion. Stop what you are doing and obey the actor.

Debating politics with a marxist is like arguing age of consent with a pedophile.

We need to have Canada or Mexico's immigration policies immediately! Because enlightened/victim cultures rule!

Obama blamed Bush by name for everything about 360 times, but I'm sure there's a big difference filed under "Nuance".