
Mach-E will be built in Mexico, assembly should be much better.

I’m sure that the roll-out of the Mach E will be every bit as trouble-free as the 2020 Explorer.

My man has a plan.

This isn’t going to work out. Mazda going premium is a bad idea. Their prices should go down, not up. We don’t need any more premium cars; we need more cars that are affordable. People can’t afford new cars anymore.

Mazda’s cars do not have the performance to back up the looks, the feel, and the marketability that goes with both. To me, that’s frustrating and a turn-off. Don’t make a spicy-looking hatchback if you aren’t going to give it spicy performance.

I wish we could go “down market” with some automobile makers. Somewhat specifically Mazada.


If we properly educated American drivers about lane etiquette and, well, driving, there’s no reason our interstate highways couldn’t be a fast as the German Autobahn. They’re designed for aircraft landings and troop transport, after all.

Well, here’s the thing: you don’t get to pretend things you don’t like don’t exist. This is noteworthy. It’s also of note that it’s very dangerous and illegal. 

Just remember when you’re staring at the IROC-E edition Camaro E28: You asked for this.

I feel the c8 has changed that. Shot across the bow of the dominant German companies in that segment. Kills resale of the older German cars in that range as well

Corvette has always been one of the most overrated cars on the road. I could care less what they do with their brand.

It’s a mars rover made available to the public. I think it’s beautiful.

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

Dude who isn’t a Ryan Gosling fangirl. I’d leave my gf in 2 seconds for him.

Drive is amazing. It’s a work of art in a genre filled with lowest-common-denominator crowd pleasing action movies. My friends who dislike it are the same people who love Transformers movies. If you are into cinema as an art form as opposed to movies as a brainless way to zone out for 90 minutes you will love Drive.

So you have seen at least four Fast & Furious movies, Bumblebee and Need for Speed... And Drive is one of the worst movies you have ever seen? Dude, naww.

I am so there. It was pretentious as hell. The story was horrid. Yes, I know it was “only a movie” but there were plot holes you could, ahem, drive a truck through.

Drive was awesome. I bought it on Bluray. Long periods of time with no dialog are my thing. Along with extreme violence with absolutely no warning that its coming.

I would expect such an opinion from someone putting Atomic Blonde (zzzz) and Furious 7 over Fury Road.