
you sir, are a fucking dolt.

you sir, are a fucking dolt.

you sir, are a fucking dolt.

you sir, are a fucking dolt. 

This is ridiculous. Which, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think is the point.

Fiesta ST (but hopefully not before I can get one later this year).

Nothing’s stopping you from letting your car roll over you and letting your family reap the insurance benefits.

Is it too late for COTD nominations?

Yikes, who hurt you?

I agree, it is. I guess that was more aimed toward the author’s views in the article.

While immoral, this isn’t illegal.

this should be top comment

I’m all for raising the minimum wage, but do we honestly think that companies/employers won’t just start raising prices to offset the cost of paying their employees more? I guess I just don’t have that much faith in people to not be greedy.

People really will let ANYTHING offend them, won’t they?

Lol it’s never been a better time to be a female engineer. Jobs are practically being given away.

The Three Musketeers with Orlando Bloom. I still shudder

It says don’t have sex? I don’t see the problem. If you’re worried about having a kid that you can’t care for and can’t have safe sex the answer is pretty simple.

An extra $500 on top of the price for a brand new car from the dealership. If it’s used I hardly care what color it is, as long as the paint is in good condition.

This. Also, low mileage on a 10+ year old car is very different than low mileage on a 2-5 year old car.

As if there needed to be any more reasons not to go to grad school...