Emerson Esq

I just came here to post that... but now i'm wondering where that fancy-graphics screenshot came from

Awwww... I had the idea to draw this up last night, and now its worthless. Here, you guys take it.

I always just had a user on my computer named "Work" with a different password and filevault turned on. Not worrying about clearing browser history or hiding things deep in files was nice. Hell, its even what i used to encourage customers who came into my Apple Store who were wondering about how to keep their wives

yeah, it had me doubting their legitimacy.

Deke was grounded for medical reasons, not just bad luck on flight assignments. When it comes to health issues combined with space travel, NASA seems to play it safe (as it should). But, as a reminder, Deke did fly in Apollo-Soyuz.

The second most intelligent are, of course, Dolphins, who have long known... Something, my human brain forgets.

is there an untethered solution for iOS5 yet? or is this just for the tethered among us?

As someone who used to play a good deal of competitive sports, I always just chocked this phenomenon up to stress. When you make a good shot, your stress level goes down and you are less likely to over think the next shot. Two in a row, and suddenly you are just throwing the ball, knowing that you know what you're

the water isnt that deep, the shoreline is just that tall. to try and quell a hipster invasion (and Mothra), way back in 2010, the isle raised its shoreline into a 1500 foot cliff. Homeland Security didnt want it talked about that much, fearing eco-terrorism for apparently obvious reasons.

What about the dihedral synchro-helix doors? Easily the best name, and infinitely cooler than their scissor sisters.

Is this an old product? Or is the 1st Gen iPhone thats shown just a subtle way of saying "Dont let your kids play with your real phone"?

Like with most big releases, I highly doubt they'll do preorders. Probably just make 1000 pairs and put them in 10 stores and make people camp. Anyway, I'm getting my tent from the garage. We can share. Meet me in the car in 20.

why not get both?

I'm guessing retail for >$500, which means I'm about to be out $1K+ since I'm gunna need a pair to wear and be amazing in.

So what? We all feel like that all the time!

I didnt see the Superfriends theme on there, and it rocked.

I was thinking that exact thing. I found a really nice remastered original-cut rip recently that I can watch and the rest of this stuff has just become this white noise. Like Fry at the end of "300 Big Boys," I'm just calmly walking through this chaos.

Solid. I have Not Tetris, but I just got worried when I read "PC"s. Also, I've been hurt before.

The cursor he is using looks like a Mac cursor (unless Windows changed theirs since XP). Can anybody confirm my dreams that this might be Mac-available?

Sonic CD was the first game to feature Metal Sonic. It seems the "See How it All Began" portion of the ad is drumming up excitement for Sonic 4.2 where Metal Sonic will be our vilan. Good move Sega, rope in some youngsters.