Emerson Esq

I was half expecting them to go a different route once the city got pulled into space. I was hoping that the magic of cosmic rays would cure their cold and show Fry's stupid theory had merit. Anyway, solid B episode.

Hard Knock Life

I could never stand how young the puppet looked in PM in comparison to the original (read: real) trilogy. Yoda was a being who lived 900 years, i couldnt fathom how he could have aged so much in 40ish years. The CGI version at least looks more yoda-y.

If i'm not mistaken, the smaller image on the right is the original shot. The larger one on the left is the original datafile from the image recomputed with modern computers.

The prophecy came true!

Now my car looks just like the empty wallet I have after paying for this wrap!

I thought of it. I'm sure someone has done it better, i just needed something to mimic the perfection that is the Superman one.

In the comics Bats vs Supes has been over done. But we have never had a chance to see it in gigantic glory, so I wouldnt mind it a bit. Preferably though, I'd want to see them come together. I wouldnt throw around the word "friends," the Golden Age died with Earth-Two, but I would like to see them as respected rivals

Doomed planet, desperate scientist, last hope, kindly couple, Superman.

the big flat spot up top seems to work with the Batcopter rumors with the blades added in post. would explain the strage flight path and movements

I've been using facebook since the days of needing a .edu email address in order to grant access. and at first, it needed to match the records attached to that email. my school didnt care what people called me, they just generated an email for me with the name First Last. Every time I would try to change it to Middle

I remember the days when Facebook held the same stance. I never liked it at all, being a person who goes by a different name than the one given on his birth certificate. Eventually though, they caved and so will Google on this issue. The plethora of valid reasons laid out in this article, amongst countless others

All and all, I wasnt particularly wowed by this episode either. However, I was finding myself enthralled (if not terrified) by what Mr Peppy would do next. I thought the character was well written to be a terrifying X-factor throughout the episode.

Hey Giz,

Oh, i know. wasnt a fan then, or when they used the same type on Superman Returns. But this looks to me like a much larger pattern, making it look much more fishy. Point is: No likey.

That suit looks like Aquaman had some leftover fabric. What is with the fish scales?

needs a Maybe box

very nice.