Emerson Esq

double negative... Jobs is back???

Headphone jack on the bottom. Unacceptable.

Couldn't help but read this interview in Worf's voice. Anybody else?

Comic, Trek, Wars, Encyclopedia, Sports, Internet, Music... Oh, thats why I'm unemployed.

Is there nothing Wasps wont ruin??!?!

There was some speculation in '08 about Speedo's sharktooth bodysuit being an unfair advantage. But, as far as I can recall, it was allowed. Meanwhile in '08 an amputee's prosthetic leg was considered an unfair advantage, so who the frack knows.

Pretty sure gold is a lot more than $5 an ounce...

Dude... I don't know where to start... I mean... Sugar comes from clouds. Everybody knows that. Why do you think they're launching a rocket? C'mon man.

That wasnt 20 sure signs, that was 8... I want 12 more please

similar to number 11, i used to fill one up completely up with pennies and use it as a practice ball to strengthen my pitching arm

Why is robot uprising not on this list? Either way, i vote WWIII, but c'mon.

they had to crop shots of him so drastically so that it wasnt glaringly obvious his arm was shaking like mad.

Looks like pillows are this year's paintballs. May god have mercy on the janitorial staff.

Horsebot3000 YES!!!!!!

Un-teaching myself how to play SMB is hard. Learning to play SMB in my left hand whilst playing Portal with my right is harder.

Can't wait.

Now playing

Seems to also take a great deal from the lesser-known and widely-hated Lemmings ad from 1985.

Back in my day it wasn't that we were "unqualified or untrained" to detect water damage (it takes 3 seconds to look inside the jack and check if you see pink or white on the stip), we just had our own criteria for determining replacement qualifications. If you were up front with us from the start and nice about it,

Walking down the street, I dont think i'd look twice at those. I'd only raise an eyebrow when someone tells me they were made with magnets... It'll be really neat when the nerds get a hold of it and start doing some custom patterns with much smaller more precise magnets. Until then, it seems like just a novelty.

So long old friend... No, don't look at me that way. You are making this too hard on both of us. I want to live in the Minority Report computer interface world. You just can't get me there. Your new cousin is the only one who has the map. I don't like him either. He's too closed off, isn't very creative, and he never