

Mmmm. Fassbender.

Going to the gym actually does it for me, honestly. It's not about the way I look after a workout, it's about the endorphins and feeling stronger. YMMV.

100. 1995 Rust Cohle

I swear to dog I scrolled down through this whole list just looking to see where Patrick Stewart would be and my heart actually started to pound at about 10 at the idea that you guys had left him out. I am so sorry for my doubt, however short-lived.

Nope, that level of adorable and awesome would break the Internet. For the sake of technology it's best that they stay platonic.

Blue Steel


Le Tigre

Why hello there, hot stuff! Mmmm those eyes.

Not all of it is divisive.

not all stuff

not all men

You missed a brilliant opportunity to label this "exhibit D".

My favorite Tom Hiddleston quote (about him, not by him):

I too would like to burdened with his glorious purpose.

I'm not being critical here, I'm really not... but Jeebus H Cripes on a cracker, this place needs MOAR Hiddles posts on a weekly basis. Do you need us to talk to someone about this?

Quick, more research along these lines. (God, how can he look sexy & cuddly at the same time?)

Right? This is how I know I will never be famous, well known, or a celebrity. I'd be screaming, "Don't touch me!" at EVERYONE.

Tom Hiddleston needs to go fuck himself he is a nuisance to me getting things done productively, he always distracts me when I'm researching on the internet what an asshole. I support this campaign fully.