
All of your comments, my friend!

Imma try and post them photos now:

Fan Bingbing 4eva! She always wears something interesting, and mostly looks great while doing it:

Hold up. You "heard he's into cheap and dirty sex"?? You can't just drop that bomb and walk away...

You, my friend, should be given the "best use of xkcd comic strip" award.

It seems to me, just from the ubiquity of these videos, that they're targeting both kids who love pirates and women who love Hiddles. Which I suppose is a sound strategy, since the movie doesn't look that good...

Of course. She should play everyone.

Yes. Perpetual gray here too.

Why is this in the grays? It should be right up there if only for the gif!


Wow. So it's Jezebel, and I'm supposed to be super sarcastic and cool. But I won't. Because I think this comment is great. And as a younger woman who is terrified of not doing things the way "you are supposed to", yet unable to do them any differently, it means a lot to know that other people have different

High-fiving a million angels for this entire thread right here...

Fascinating! Can you point to some sources?

Ugh Kinja and gifs </3

You forgot your mic drop.

I was actually aware of my supply of sexy drying up since I turned 30, and the whole thing made me very anxious and gave me stress wrinkles! It's a downward spiral, really.

Already happened - with cookie monster and delayed gratification. I can't post the video because my work blocks youtube, but I'll leave this here:

Multiple times, too! This may be the part of this clip that makes me the happiest.

Yup. "Evil queen boss" - how original! Did you come up with that yourself?

(I love Jezebel commentators, because I can always scroll through the comments and find someone who feels exactly like me, and then just leave this gif there)