
Hey, all! Thanks for the correction! I'm so sorry—I definitely didn't mean to erase anyone's ethnicity or experiences. I clearly should have looked it up. I've actually never seen the show; I was just going by what the 12-year-old told me. (Now I will NEVER TRUST HER AGAIN.) It was part of a much larger conversation

This only justifies and further entrenches the outcomes of socialized gender differences that we've grown comfortable with. I don't think justifying traditionally gendered actions does anything to clarify what feminism is and is not. FAIL.

Yeah. All of them seem to be directed at women. Even the guy's cards are about just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean it is because you are a woman, when he takes you out calm down it's not because he thinks he owns you, and in general saying women are defensive or overly sensitive.

I think I made that exact face.

Champagne is beating red wine, THE BLOOD OF THE GODS?! I thought I knew you people...

Champagne vs red wine is just cruel.

So Kanye is a vampire...

I was in love with Slash and went to his concert and was all of 17 and one of those chicks you can't believe are underage, and sure I'd seduce him...I managed to go backstage. I maganed to introduce myself to him even... and he just ruffled my hair like this and crushed my Lolita dreams.

Fair warning Jem does NOT hold up well. And Katy Perry of course.

Justin Bieber for Jem.

In all sincerity, while I love Sawyer and Polar Bear (obviously), Jin and Sun made the show for me. I started off so MEH towards them, it's hard to believe looking back on it now. I could not, for the life of me, understand Sun lying about speaking English when it could have prevented so many issues. YOU'RE STRANDED

One of my Top 10 TV Moments, probably.

Seriously. Should be tied for No. 1 with Desmond.

THIS SHOW MAN! I'm traumatized by it. I cried so FREAKING MUCH with it. When Julia fell in that hole with Sawyer trying to save her. TEARS TEARS TEARS. When he jumped out of the Helicopter, when Desmond was trying to get back with his wife.. I can't even. When Jin and Sun are finally happy and shit goes cray cray.

The fact that Jin and Sun can't even live happily ever after together in the Top 10 makes this list null and void. NULL AND VOID.


Babe, Sawyer is mine and will always be mine and I will fight you to the death for him. But this list was hilar and made me very happy in the middle of having a migraine. So thank you.

That is absurd: