
One great thing about being an adult is that teens are very unattractive to me. GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK TYLER.

Very good; I will add these to the data and have them analyzed later on tonight.

"It means that I am present in the world, and that I realize that there is a problem with the way we've constructed gender."

Finnick - having ALL THE SUGAR CUBES and loving it.

Better than the shit stain that is Jay's verse.

I'm sure his daughter will love looking back on this nostalgia when she's older <3

My god what a beautiful face.

There is. And it uses all the letter in the alphabet. Twice.

All may gaze upon the Hardy Handful ... NO TOUCH THOUGH!!!

I spiritually married Tom Hardy 2 years ago, so all you ladies can just back it up.

or in front of. HEY-O!

I absolutely thought this was going to turn out to be a Dove commercial.

It's hard to have the message reiterated when a lot of us are only thinking about the $10,000.

I really wish there was one woman that was like, "Fuck yeah! Photoshop made me look awesome!" Maybe there was and they photoshopped her out for not fitting in the with sappy music.

Watch The Wire.


No need to thank me, citizen.

Henry Cavill received a lot of backlash from patriotic Americans because he is British and only Americans should play Superman (even though he is not American he is an alien) but could you even imagine the shit storm if a Black Brit played Superman, Fox News would declare war against the UK.

Why is it a comparison? They can co exist. Even Jean Grae has gone on saying that they aren't even the same stylistically so why are they always compared to each other?