
TLDR version of the daily mail article

to be fair, I'm not orthodox - but it's not just prayer. They read, re-read and interpret law a lot. It's like being God's lawyer, prosecutor, and police in these communities. I couldn't do it... but... to each their own.

Ultra-orthodox Jews are CRAZY. They made a big stink about El Al's flightpath out of Ben Gurion airport awhile back, because it went over the old cemeteries outside of Jerusalem. Cohanim (members of the priestly tribe) aren't allowed to enter cemetaries, because it makes them ritually unclean and they have to be

Legalize it.

This is a great example of why Tumblr is the best thing about the internet.


I just want this polish. And most of these clothes.

WAIT. THE WHOLE ALGORITHM IS BASED ON WHEN YOUR IDIOT FRIENDS GOT MARRIED? Excuse me, I have a date with some lemmings. I mean, seriously? You need a special app to remind of what Facebook is already constantly reminding you of? (Namely, that all your friends are getting married and you still don't give a shit.)


The nice thing about getting older is finally getting the kind of men's attention that you want. Men who like confidence, brains, granny sweaters, glasses, whatever. But all the good ones get bored of the insecure, giggly bar chicks pretty quickly. I always laugh when younger women think turning 30 means the end of

LOVED Murray(arity) yelling "Did you miss me??"

Beauty is a lose/lose. If you have it, you're treated like an object, and if you don't, you're treated like nothing.

It's like the job market, ok? There's only so much sexy out there. If you olds don't retire from being sexy, then there won't be any sexy for the youth, and we can't have a bunch of unsexy 20 year olds mooching sexy off the government! The US doesn't subsidize sexy handouts! You've got to move to France for that. Or

I'm sexier in my 30s than I ever was! Take that laws of, uh, nature....

I hope! It's just frustrating when they conform to roles they were bitching about only 5 years ago.

Letter from the factory:

"Oh hells no."

I just find it so odd! I know that menopause could impact one's sex drive but I cannot see myself not having sex after fifty. If I live to eighty, that means thirty years without sex? Oh hells no.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Oh crap. I just turned 30. I didn't realize that my sexy was required to be automatically powered down on the eve of my 30th birthday.