

Brava. I first saw your comment and thought "holy fuck this is long." Then I read it, and it's perfect.

And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for

Leslie Knope responds to the Jezebel bounty.

WHY AREN'T WE DISCUSSING HOW HILARIOUS IT IS THAT TYLER PERRY IS NOMINATED FOR WORST ACTRESS??? I love that so hard, for real. The Razzies are beautiful. Also, Halle Berry and Sandra Bullock, winning their oscars and Razzies in the same year, never forget....

Can someone check on Burt? And take the smelling salts.

I call that a dunlap - cuz his gut dunlapped over his belt.

You know what? If it's important for your sexual and emotional satisfaction to be with a really hot guy, then you definitely should not have to apologize for knowing what you want and going after it.

This is just a corollary of the "friendzone" theory if you ask me. It's the hare-brained notion that women are obligated to look past a man's glaring flaws (whatever they are) and want to be with some guy because that guy is special or otherwise exceptional.

Knock Knock

I read Lean In and Sheryl Sandberg is my hero. She's starting conversations that need to be had, bringing light to a lot of uncomfortable situations, and is an incredible realist. Fight the good fight, Sheryl!!

Does anyone else really want to get drunk with Emma Thompson?

Why don't you write the article and post it on group think or your blog? I'd definitely read it.

Yeah - she'll be 50 in July - it is pretty sickening. Although I'm *grits teeth* soooo happy for her. I may go cry in my own shower now...

Comic Sans made it.

Oh god, I hope so. The internet has been so dull lately.

She's 49 but I'd kill to look like that now, at 33 :(

Definitely. Though in my case I also use it to my advantage—misogynists, as it turns out, will spend DAYS AND DAYS on a single post you've written, yelling at and arguing with women and other misogynists. And this translates to $$$, which I can then use to pay my writers to produce more content. They unwittingly sign