
Haha Amy's answers are awesome. WWLKD?: what would Leslie Knope do. That's what Amy Poehler would do too. I imagine the interview going just like it would with Leslie Knope.

Um, yeah. OK. You keep living in your bubble. And I'll continue reading news stories about men who fuck horses, chairs, a grate, etc. (from which said man's penis became stuck and he had to be removed by firefighters). And of course, women sometimes do weird stuff too, but the numbers just...aren't the same.

Ugh, I find it pretty charming no matter what. They don't have to be hospitable and entertaining when faced with crap. I'd like to assume Poehler was just flat. That sends the message that interviewers can do better fucking jobs and the media can be less gross about celebrity culture.

No. It was good cop/good cop/pushy interviewer asking pushy stupid questions.

I have become slightly obsessed with gifs. I have dozens of them on my work laptop, organized into folders by theme. I've started collecting them on my phone too. I need help...

"Cry. Cry. Imagine gaining 10 pounds. Imagine waking up with curly hair,"

No, that needs to be purchased in shame, while wearing a hoodie and walking to the convenience store in the middle of the night so that there are fewer witnesses.

we are always posting pictures Mark. Always!

I am starting SaladsOnline.com right now!

WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! THIS IS WRONG! The first pic in the thread is him all on public transpo?! I expected lust-inducing gifs and shit, but this?! I can't DO this!

When men are so beautifully pressed and tailored, it's more difficult to to rip clothes off with wanton abandon, is what I'm saying. You gotta be gentle and carefully hang everything up, etc. He's clearly not thinking ahead.

Welcome to the club, Mark!

I will take you under my wing, young Burt apprentice.

That last one is new to me. Off to Pinterest I go...

I think I want to see that? But it must be an epic, beloved-for-the-ages romcom and not a Sarah Jessica Parker/Matthew McConaughey level romcom. It has to be smart!

I popped a Thor DVD in over the holidays. My mom: "You, know that blonde fellow is very handsome, but the smart one with the dark hair seems like such a sweet boy. I hope he doesn't have to die at the end."

True story—Benedict Cumberbatch is the only person who signed my petition. Weird.

Yeah, but did she have a frozen pizza, a cat, and the Pride and Prejudice miniseries? I DIDN'T THINK SO.

Yes, it is a thing. Check out #Iwokeuplikethis on tumblr, it's both moving and powerful.