
In the home of the brave, Holland, they actually jump on the suspect, instead of surrendering common-sense.

If you cannot tell the difference squinting, it's because there is no notable difference.

Must... dowse... fuel... cap... with... gas...

There are tangibles and intangibles when considering the cost of ownership. On one hand, the resale value of that Caravan is zilch. On the other hand, I'd hate to have to think if the transmission will fail when merging into a freeway taking my children to school.

The Brazilian Envemo Super 90 was considered one of the best replicas of the Porsche 356C.

How many times a week do you haul everything you need for your house? I don't know about you, but when I need to do that every couple of years, instead of wasting money driving a big, fat minivan by myself the rest of the time, I just rent a bed truck at Home Depot for $20 for 90min.

The problem with expensive gas is that appliance drivers drive SUVs and, after extending themselves buying more truck than they can afford, they'll drive even more slowly now that their unaffordable gas bills become unbearable.

The Brazilian Corona Dardo was a rip off of the Fiat X1/9. Adding insult to injury, it actually had a Fiat 147 powertrain amidships.

Designed by the Brazilian weapons maker Engesa with middle-eastern armies in mind, it actually sold quite a few E4 to civilians too. It had superb off-road capabilities.

Yet, truth be said, Amaral Gurgel was a bold entrepreneur. His cars could look goofy and, if it weren't for the government being his major customer, he'd be bankrupt decades before he did go bankrupt in the 90's.

And IMO they should have remained there.

The 2nd series of the Santa Matilde was one of the best in the late 80's when imports were allowed again, dooming all the small makers.

There were also small makers that focused on replicas, like the MP Lafer, based on the MG TF.

When importing cars was forbidden in the 1st oil crisis in 73, a bunch of small manufacturers spawned into life making small-series cars, usually based on the VW Beetle platform.

It's probably going to be the next generation of the SUV for the flatulent and lazy: the Ford Ecosport.

When you cannot tell one super-car from the other when squinting, something is wrong in the styling department.

Unlike its domestic competition, Ford doesn't have a sugar daddy in DC. It actually has to live from the fruits of its own labor.

Price: $369

You missed the Archos 101 for about half the price.