
I would like to add: looking like a linebacker in a suit jacket, not being able to sleep on your stomach- and now that I'm pushing 35, they also try to suffocate me when I sleep on my back.

You're reaching there bud. It's ok. We seldom expect the people we're yelling at to actually be members of a group we're purporting to protect. I know you probably found that jarring. I'm still, for the record, handicapped and unable to flee any situation that would require it. But it's ok, call me ableist. And

i know right? "GET IN THE BATH ERIN GLORIA RYAN and CALM DOWN." if i were the boyfriend thats what i would've said to her as i whip out the massage oil, light the scented candles and gently press play on my sarah machlachlan "surfacing" cd.

I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?

Thats like saying it was racist to select Tom Hiddleson as loki because hes British and not actually asgardian.

Ah, so how is the Aryan looking dude sitting on a broken Buddha throne with his hand on a submissive, dark skinned Asian man holding a grenade man like one would a dog not racist again? Also, are you white in a mostly white area? It seems you have blinders on from a lack of experience or empathy.

First of all, the whole point of the article isn't that the image is or is not racist. It's that the image, obviously designed to be provocative, could easily be construed as such, especially since we have basically no context whatsoever for it.

I'm glad the white dudes are out in full force to tell us all who the "real racists" are. And by "real racists" I mean adults who are capable of recognizing that race pervades all media and no art is created in a void.

I would say it's Dina, Teresa, Melissa and three Mob Wives rejects.

I'm looking forward to the number of people who show up to make it known that there are no points in World of Warcraft.

I mean its clearly pronounced Gwee-Dice, I refuse to believe its anything different

mine too

That sounds about right. My last name is French and seemingly impossible for most people to pronounce, so my whole family has gone by the anglicized version since forever because America. No fun!

I am utterly bewildered by people who walk into a business and get offended by the prices.

What is wrong with people? Whether it's a $6 KFC Double Down, or a $60,000 diamond ring, my reaction is the same:

"*chuckle* Good luck with that!"

This post just kinda reinforced my notions that people are assholes to people in the service industry. NOTE TO ASSHOLES: if you are the last table in the restaurant, it's time to go. Does not matter if you've been there for only 5 minutes and it's the anniversary of your first spit-swap. You are holding up a bunch of

A horse farm would be a great place to raise kids!

I wonder if all these people regret having kids because they don't LET THEM ALONE for a minute.

As a dad I exist right now to pay bills and help support my wife while she finishes up her degree. I work hard to build a nice world for my three boys. They do fight and disrespect their mother occasionally which makes me insane. I have to teach them, separate them, discipline them and I even occasionally lose it

Maybe I'm very naïve, but I am shocked at the vitriol in some of these confessions and by the number of responses to this article by people saying parents tell them how kids are annoying, exhausting, and impede your social life and don't have them and so on. Good lord! I understand people who don't want kids, sure,

Pollyanna here! I love my kids. They probably saved my life. I was a hard-partying girl, but I always knew I wanted kids. They forced me to settle down and be a responsible adult. It was hard to admit to my super-feminist mom that the only thing I really wanted to do was be a Mom.