
Oh, I certainly don't think it matters that you ALWAYS clarify. It's just that I have encountered so so many people who are somewhat unfamiliar with vegetarianism, and when they meet a couple of pescetarians who call themselves vegetarians they assume this is the norm (maybe I run in a weird group that this has

I stopped eating meat when I had to start cooking my own food and was just afraid I'd give myself e-coli. I mean, animal welfare was a factor, but in and of itself wasn't the reason I went veg. It was only over time that it became the most important reason for me. And it took a few years for my diet to actually

THANK YOU. Don't get me wrong, I have met a few vegetarians and vegans who are as annoying as heck. But I have justified my meal choices SO MANY TIMES to meat eaters at the table, and I never really see anyone demanding anything from them in return. It's always "Oh, why did you chose that/don't you miss meat/how do

You know how sometimes mean kids in the lunch room will see cottage cheese or tuna fish in someone's lunch will make a whole show of saying, "ieeeew, how can you eat that?!" and then the recipient of the comment quietly puts away the food and spends the rest of the day in a stew of hunger and shame and never wants to

This, thank you. I am pescatarian and I honestly don't give a shit what other people eat and don't feel the need to comment on it. I've known a few insufferable veggeis (mostly vegans) but if I had a dollar for every time someone gave me shit for opting for a tofu dog, I could quit my job. Non-omnivores: mostly not

... you can hate the argument all you want, but it's hard to dispute the fact that mass-produced meat is a shite industry. I also don't think comparing paid farm workers to slaughterhouses is a valid line of reasoning, although I do see the point you're trying to make... I'm sure there's more than a few crap labor

Well, eating meat requires a lot more factory farming than eating vegetarian, because you need to produce about 10x as much grain to feed a person from meat than the grain directly. Not a vegetarian, but there's no denying it makes economic and ethical sense.

Can we officially declare anti-vegetarians as more irritating then vegetarians already? I've witnessed vegetarians living up to the "smug, self-righteous" stereotype maybe once in my life. Yet hardly a week goes by where I don't witness meat-eaters making a bunch of shrill remarks about how insufferable vegetarians

Well, to spare all the unnecessary deaths and horrid living conditions forced upon livestock, I'm willing to live with a slightly lower quality of life, if that is indeed the case. At least I don't live my life in a cramped pen, where my sole purpose in life is to be fattened up, slaughtered and eventually shoved

What the fuck is wrong with smoking that invalidates you as a good mother? In my state we have medical marijuana, I know a lot of people who have both birthed children and who legally smoke weed, one does not invalidate the other, and they are all damn good parents. Unless that picture shows her blowing smoke into her

OMG, she's wearing hoop earrings. HOOP EARRINGS!!! Do you know what sort of one percenter type money you need to afford hoop earrings? There's a reason there's a full security detail at the Claire's. clearly you are correct that this pic shows a scam artist in action.

As a childless adult you also know nothing about Habitat for Humanity. Let me clarify: Habitat for Humanity is a hand up not a hand out. In order to qualify for a home, you need to have a job for one year, good credit (or take a credit/financial responsibility class), and no previous legal troubles. You have to

Hey, you ok there shoegal? I don't really know what is going on with you........but you are coming across as a Republican, bootstraps waving troll. I saw that GT post about the debt situation. Don't worry about it. Plenty of people go through life with millions in debt. You will get through fine. You can have a nice

Okay y'all. A few years ago, maybe 12? I was working EMS with my partner and there's a reg that says if a cop or EMS or FF sees a person/kid/pet in a hot car, even if the windows are "cracked," we are supposed to break the glass and get the mammals inside into a cool environment (kids, whatever, dogs, mammals. you

I was giving my husband a BJ and suddenly he got the giggles. I look over and here are my 2 cats just staring at me. Yes, I fuck in front of my pets because if I keep the door closed, they'll just paw and head butt the door, which ruins sexy times even more. Apparently, not only were my pervy cats watching us, but

Jesus, if that isn't the heartbreaking face of poverty, I don't know what is.

who worked in a shirt factory for most of her life in rural Tennessee

Tracy, I don't know how many shirt factories existed in rural TN when our grandmothers were working, but I grew up on a quilt made from remainders of a rural TN shirt factory where my grandmother worked to feed my father.

Mine went on to clean a

Unfortunately, people do a lot worse. I'm fostering a baby who was exposed to heroin every day of his time in utero. He's been in (managed) withdrawal for months, and has months to go. That kid is going to be at a serious disadvantage, because instead of learning all those things babies learn in their first few

I've never doubted for a second that I can trust my boyfriend whole-heartedly. If that makes me naive than I embrace naiveté, because I can't imagine the stress of constantly doubting your partner.

I might be naive but I absolutely cannot imagine my husband ever cheating on me. He would have to profoundly change in order for that to happen. He's also absurdly easy to read and wears his emotions on his sleeve, so I would probably figure it out IMMEDIATELY.