Related study. Not that it's necessarily a perfect study*, but I think it's safe to conclude that approximately half of all people commit infidelity at some point in their lives.
Related study. Not that it's necessarily a perfect study*, but I think it's safe to conclude that approximately half of all people commit infidelity at some point in their lives.
Oh I totally agree about the finances. I know a couple getting married this June, they still haven't combined finances, she has no idea what his expenses are, debts, etc. I'm baffled by it, they live together, have been together for years. If you're not a team your marriage is going to have a very low success rate.…
You know what? Cheaters are scoundrels. If you need to have an affair, get rid of your current squeeze. I mean come on, that's a good reason to get out of your current situation. "Honey, I'm sorry, I would like to fuck other people." Done. Do it. Then do whomever you choose. I'd like to think that I'm not married to a…
Me. I'm a little bit afraid people will bite my head off here, and I'm sure we'll get plenty of replies telling us how naive we are....but my husband is just not cheating material. we are on our 7th year of relationship, and the only thing that we are sure is deal-breaker is cheating. For both of us, it represents…
I technically met my husband at 13, but we didn't start dating until we were 21. We've been together (and monogamous) for 10 years.
I feel like monogamy isn't for everyone, but if it's for you, staying faithful isn't particularly difficult. That's not to say those relationships don't have their own, separate problems, just that staying faithful isn't some constant struggle like it is for other relationships/if you don't buy into the idea of…
At last! A makeup video for people whose makeup consists of stuff that is old, stuff that is crumbled because you dropped in on the floor, a variety of free samples, and things that you paid waaaaaay too much money for so you feel guilty and obligated to use every last drop of it. This is the video for me!
Anyone who stands up to subway assholes (especially in Boston) deserves a goddamn medal.
I probably see all parties involved in this on my commute every day. I'll keep an eye out for "The wacker version of Macklemore", but to be honest with you there are a LOT of guys in JP that fit that description.
So, I'm supposed to be less embarrassed walking down the street wearing clothing that came from a tennis ball can? I will keep my fancy going out clothes from the night before thankyouverymuch. You can keep your canned dress.
Oh golly, maybe this year gamers will grow up a little bit and realize that the imagined wrongdoings of a company that makes video games aren't even remotely in the same league as the actual 'bad companies' out there.
Or maybe they'll continue to do exactly what they've always done and be loud-mouthed children because…
Guinness is pulling out of its sponsorship of the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade over a rule that prohibits…
I think it totally depends on what type of person you are. I'm a homebody who has major travel anxiety, all I want is a home of my own. To be clear, I also want an old, crusty house I can work on for the rest of my life, not a brand new McMansion. I love projects and working with my hands and making things my own,…
Same actually. My dad dropped me off late at school all the time, and it gave me serious anxiety. Now I carry a book everywhere and am always early. It's so nice to not stress about it :/
....The fuck?
OMG, Saaphyri was hilarious. "You better stop interrupting my prayers before God direct me to whoop your ass". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FOREVER!
Tiffany Pollard (aka New York) is the best thing to come out of Flavor of Love. At least once a day, I think something New York said and hear it in my mind IN HER VOICE. She is hilarious and a star and I wish she were in more things.
Is it wrong that I want to move to a more obese state so I can be relatively smaller, rather than actually making the change to be smaller? Instead of having the fat friend, I can compensate by having a fat state.
I wonder if it's just because we've watched them grow up on TV, it's now hard to take them seriously as real adults. Like how your family always sees you as a teenager to some extent, no matter your life experience.
They were both pretty vocal about their dislike of the paps before they had their daughter, it's just much more of a concern. Could you imagine trying to go shopping with your baby only to be surrounded by men screaming at you to look at them?