
Yes. I have the exact same issue. I get disconcerted when I spend time with any of my friends who are also parents. I missed the Mature Adult boat, I think!

I think people aren't understanding what you're saying. The responses make it seem like people think you're just saying "why are they looking so serious?" It seems to me like what you're saying is "these people have been in the public eye since they were relatively young so it's strange to see them behaving like the

Sometimes things don't bother you until you become a parent....you have to become a parent to understand that. You suddenly turn into a momma bear if anyone bothers your child.

But that's exactly what they want. They consider it a serious matter.

I'll have one in every colour and the dress too.

Please wear this! Going to the grocery store is so dull. I'd love to see more people enjoy getting dressed, even during errands.

I want the green one. Yellow makes me look like I'm dying.

Yup. All my tats are in places that people at work will never see in a professional setting.

Yeah, I have arm sleeves and a good, professional job. I wear a lot of long sleeves. Although sometimes I think that's less about hiding or being professional and more about not wanting to answer stupid questions about my tattoos.

Here's why I disagree:

PLEASE star me and make this visible to all. My friends are walking 102 miles this July in Arizona to fight for equality. YOU READ THAT RIGHT: 102 miles. In AZ. By foot. IN JULY. DONATE PLEASE. http://www.equalitywalk.org/2014-walk.html

It is insane, to me, that the same voters that have a goddamn temper tantrum about paying one dollar in taxes to anything, pay their lawmakers to push this shit.

If only we had a terrifying child to wish them all into the cornfield.

Husband got me this brown diamond years ago. And love it. And I have never once associated it with chocolate? I just like how antiquey it looks. And I don't really care much for chocolate. And the lower price was a turn-on!

This reminds me a lot of the 3DS when it first started. Remember that press conference or whatever where they were like 'you dont HAVE to use 3D. Cause it's not that great all the time'. This is sort of the same thing 'we dont have to use the extra screen all the time, we just want you to know its there and an option'.

Legalize it.

I sometimes get mad at ancient peoples for not domesticating animals like foxes and bears. Like, did you even try?

Bonus points for excellent use of tags.

I love how they say "believed to be the biggest" as if someone might be secretly harboring a LARGER dog somewhere that despite it's size, has somehow escaped notice.

I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.