
Agreed 100%.... in fact 1000% ... Which is why I won't ever doubt that he was SCARED or that you would be scared ... Or even that I would be scared.. Or even that Zimmerman was scared. But if my fears result in the death of another human being (particularly women and children doldrums) ... The only question that

You continue to try to discuss Detroit authoritatively, but clearly know nothing about the area.

I live here..Didn't happen in Detroit— it happened in Dearborn Heights. A stones throw away but vastly different life style-entirely. Police response time is 4-7 minutes. Not calling you racist at all but please be careful of catching "negro-phobia"... It causes u to do and say stupid shit that doesn't do society any

When I was a vet tech, we described them as "Baked potatoes with legs".

I'm soooo pissed and surprised about this bitch! Something tells me she is found with people or someone similar to the Govenor's crazy, or worse, and helps them destroy their prison.

Am I the only one who is really put off by the adultification/sexualization of Disney characters lately? Yes, the films do have a lot of troubling (often sexual) content — but I don't want to associate something I loved when I was three years old with giant dongs or "sexy costumes" or makeup lines or whatever.

Michael Phelps is a role model for all people who are tired of being told that SMOKING WEED WILL RUIN YOUR LIIIIIIIIIFE.

Gotta remind people to resist the urge to respond to the racist trolls that have already started. This story is beyond awful and it's not worth your time and energy to get into it with people who think this shit is funny.

Keep it in the crystals.

In this economy I find it really cruel to eject someone into the cold, ruthless job market just because they did something dumb and insensitive.

I feel differently about Facebook unfriending than most people, it seems. Adding me as a friend or accepting my friend request is an active assertion that we have a relationship. Unfriending me is then an active rejection of that relationship, like a lazy way of telling me they have absolutely no interest in ever

This piece is really confusing and convoluted and reads like a poorly written porn ad, BUT I gotta say James Deen and/or his publicist is a marketing genius. This whole "big star shooting porn with normal people" concept is amazing because it spans both the mainstream porn market and the amateur market. Plus it makes

/nerd voice

This is what's freaking out my Dachshund. Who am I kidding? My husband keeps forgetting it's there, and getting his ass startled.

I'm going to pretend this is the world's largest en masse lesbian wedding, and you can't stop me.

That's the thing that gets me about this story...his assumption that just because she had a little extra space in her seat he was totally entitled to move into that space. If I buy my ticket I'm entitled to all of my space, thanks. If I'm not allowed to let my fat creep into your space, you're not allowed to let

Yeah, my friends are all like "uh slutty nurse" and I have to tell them "Uh I was a slutty nurse, and slutty red riding hood and it was a blast!" Have fun! You do you boo (that's my mantra for the year). This year no sluty wear for me, my husband is building us a horse costume and we're gonna try to get free candy

I Googled "Sexy Godzilla" and this came up. If it weren't so damned cold here in Ontario I would totally rock this look!

Also, I think 'grotty jeanflap' might be my new go-to insult.

I feel like these jeans are designed for Vince Noir (that is if he would ever lower himself to wear jeans in the first place).