
Yeah, this. My boyfriend and I do get into fights sometimes, and when we do fight, it usually results in me having a total crying meltdown because I'm still relatively (almost 3 years!) fresh out of an abusive relationship, but we usually manage to push through and actually talk. And then bone it out, because physical

LOL, "tips"

She's actually working out her Margarita Muscles. Hitherto unknown to science, these arm muscles were found to strengthen significantly on weekends and in tropical ecosystems.

I KNEW Alan Thicke was a creeper! I KNEW it and no one was believing me because of stupid Growing Pains.

According to an MTV story from a few days ago, Ronnie (his face) and Sammi (her face) are still together.

Also, as a family law attorney, I find filing for full/sole custody disgusting. Kids have a right to both parents (unless the parent is heavily addicted to drugs or lives in a critically dangerous situation).

Come now, us seasoned potheads can still straddle after 7 joints. 7 blunts, maybe only Snoopzilla, but 7 j's in an eve sounds about right for me...

Which lights? ALL OF THE LIGHTS???

except for that part of the lizard brain that craves attention and money. This comment also includes Kanye.

Oh, no worries, agreed! Just this time she has a reasonable explanation ;-)

I think she just looks tired! Which is awesome considering she's got, what, a 4 month old at home? That means to me that *she* is actually doing most of the caring .... or at least enough of us to be cutting into her beauty sleep at night. :)

Even worse, they're *stadium* lights, which would be especially adept at verifying what you're getting at.

I hear a busy signal.


Tonal change notwithstanding, he still routinely rips stuff from other blogs without any credit. I'm not saying that makes him a BAD person, but it sure doesn't make him a good one.

I clicked over to the study about Facebook couples who express affection over Facebook being happier, and I found its methodology questionable. I mean, it is possible that my distaste for those posts is leading to a confirmation bias, but really, we are just going to ask people if they are happy and call it a day?

Good call - I'll try to keep my mind open when I meet future ferrets. I wish I could meet yours! They sound lovely.

It makes me really sad when I hear people say things like that about being lonely because they don't have a partner. And not as in boo-hoo that is just awful, but in why don't you enjoy life now and trust that it'll happen when the time is right? I've never had a relationship and I'm 28, and yes, sometimes I wonder