
No, THIS is how babies work:

Nah, she's probably on a calorie restricted diet already, because EW, FAT, and that'll stunt her growth.

I really like it on Kim. The two shades work well together and complement her complexion.

seriously im loving the blonde too

I guess it seems like his examples are sort of straw men. Everyone I know who has text tattoos has short bits - like a phrase or a line of poetry - that are deeply meaningful or relevant to them for some reason. Those seem fine to me, and I don't often see people with the amount of text he's describing or that his

Yep, they sterilize area before applying the ink. Also, any good tattoo parlor will offer to show you their conclave/sterilizer for tool, rip open the packaged needle, put the ink in small containers just for you before starting. If you ask to see the conclave and they decline then GTFO.

I actually have three text tattoos and I am very proud of them and think they not only came out great but have held up well over time. I read the article on text tattoo no-no's, but I have to say if it is short and done right, then they aren't necessarily a bad idea. My first tattoo is an Indonesian phrase, and the

I'm the opposite—I have no qualms about pictures, but text tattoos terrify me. I've just seen so many typos in them, and I don't trust my proofreading skills that much. ;)

May I recommend the Ugliest Tattoos website? I can't link to it because it's restricted at work (and I don't think the URL is what you'd expect) but wow, there are some doozies on there. Whenever I feel bad about my life choices, I like to go there and say "well, at least I don't have a tattoo of a fly-covered turd on

Holy shit, that guy hates text tattoos. I understand preferring art to text, but sometimes text gets the job done. I really think it's more about letting the artist choose the lettering and position. There's a french tattoo artist right now at the height of the art, Xoil, and his work incorporates text in really

I know someone who just got #2, so this article made me laugh.

She probably got this aware it would fade fast. Whether she went in aware of that irony, who knows. Most people I know who get tattoos on their feet are aware they aren't going to be there forever and it is one of the reasons they chose the spot. Of course I don't understand people who get complicated, detailed

Foot tattoos are really stupid because they hurt tons and are the most likely to wear off. Too much friction.

palm and feet (the bottom) are terrible places to get tattoos. It probably didn't hurt all that much because of calluses that feet have... but it'll be gone in a year or two. Feet and hands don't "hold ink" the same way that the rest of your body does. The natural regeneration of the skin is very fast on your feet

That's a really interesting article. Thanks for linking it.

Agreed. I saw those tattoos and thought, "Well, those will be smeary blobs in a year or so." Maybe she knows that, though, and thinks that's kind of cool, a comment on the passing nature of fame. Though that might be ascribing her more insight than is deserved :P

I'm an Emma. I also have a very common last name. At one point I was the fifth registered person with both my first and last names at my university (in New Zealand, which isn't all that populous). It's kind of a blessing, because I am utterly unfindable on Google, due to other much more famous name-sharers, but it's a

I put this elsewhere but here it is again:

Sure it will work: