The Very Errant Venture

As a male survivor, go fuck yourself

Honestly I'm not concerned about her face. It looks horribly photoshopped - check out the shadows. The light is coming from the right of her, but the right side of her face isn't in darkness, but there's a shadow on the left side - in the wrong position. It's like they flipped her face for... Reasons?

So, I’m half Scottish. My dad is English and couldn’t give a shit about being English. My mum is Scottish, and raised all her kids to be *very* aware of our Scottish heritage - to such a degree that, despite being born and living in England, I feel as much Scottish as I do English. At home we speak a mix of English,

What is dead may never die

I honestly thought it was about how the fountain looks like a grave memorial stone until I read the story haha

Respectfully, I disagree. Punch him in the nuts first. That way he’ll be bent over so you can kick him in the face, preferably while wearing steel toe boots :)

To be clear, I have no doubt that this racist arsehole is trying to use that as an excuse to cover up his racism. Just to answer your request though, whenever I bring up internet security and passwords with my 70 year old dad, he’ll just say the password, out loud, wherever we are. I don’t even ask for the password,

Personally I just need more than good looks. With the Chrises, Captain America seems to be the kindest, and that's what makes him most appealing to me.

Hopefully this video of Jackie Chan singing it makes you feel better:

That exact thing has happened in the books. In one of the Aftermath books someone finds Fett’s armour - just the armour - and takes it for themselves.

He’s not the Messiah, he’s a veeery naughty boy ;)

Kyle can tag team with Darth Revan

Hey have you played Knights of the Old Republic II? I don't want to spoil it but it addresses this very issue, in a way that I thought was very cool!

So you're saying that instead of Lu'uke we're getting Yo'oda?

No worries, mate :)

Well, let’s look at it from a mathematical perspective: at the start of the war there were 10,000 Jedi. I can’t be sure of the number immediately before Order 66, but it would be safe to say that it’s slightly smaller, given the attrition of a three year war. However, for simplicity I’m going to stick with that 10k

I’ve been thinking of getting a Switch Lite but I’m not sure and could do with some advice:

For what it’s worth, Ahsoka stopped using that nickname in series 3 or thereabouts, as evidence of her growing maturity. Anakin, though, continued calling her Snips (I think) right up to the last series, as a sign of his lack of growth.

It's been announced that it'll be launching in Canada and the Netherlands on the same day as in the US, and Australia and New Zealand a week later, on the 19th. No word yet on any other countries.

It’s also worth mentioning that this particular whataboutism conveniently forgets the fact that although there was an uptick in knife crime after we implemented gun regulation laws, we then regulated knives, too, and knife crime stats dropped as a result.