
Calling women ‘dear’ while condescending to them is a dick move, just fyi.

...except for how they’re both playing in the major leagues, making this a ridiculous analogy, sure.

You seem really unbiased about this.

Sure is a wacky coincidence that the players receiving the harshest drug-related suspensions are underperforming ones with big-money contracts that their teams would very much like not to have to pay anymore.

It's all but certain that whoever took on this role would provoke the exact same reaction that she did and become perceived as 'toxic' soon enough. The problem isn't her, it's that she wants to change something that one group of people has decided belongs to them and they're going to be violently defensive of it

I would say that the plan-but-don't-overplan thing comes down to personal preference - for me I really need to know in advance what city I'll be in/where I'll be staying each day to have a good time. For other people, they have more fun if they can be completely spontaneous. Whatever feels right to you is what you

You've read the comments section for this post, right?

You cannot possibly think someone posting on Twitter without your username in the Tweet is *forcing* you to read their thoughts. Come on, man. You can choose who you want and don't want to follow incredibly easily.

Look at the mentions of women who talk about sports, video games or feminism. You may not think it happens more often with women because you haven't experienced the scale of it.

Except, as she mentions in the article, it happens much much much more often with women, particularly women involved in what's historically seen as a male-dominated interest area (video games and sports being particularly glaring). I also doubt most men get a significant number of unsolicited dick pics, or have to

I think you're misunderstanding how most people use Twitter - unless someone is following both people in a conversation, for example, they don't see the conversations someone has with someone else.

How is making beers that women will like a loophole?

"The only way feminism can truly advance is to stop criticizing me for things I do." That's not an insanely self-centered attitude at all!

Theoretically he could file a grievance since it's generally not taken well for a team to bench a player to keep him from meeting contract incentives, but given that the union's pretty well shown they're not going to support him on these things it'd be kind of pointless.

Are you a Yankee fan? Because most everyone else thinks that's pretty great.

The whole point of that was to point out that he's in an incredibly beneficial position and yet still positions himself as the victim of shadowy powerful forces, and calls other people who do more work than him overpaid, and that's unbearable bullshit. It was pretty damned clear.

This is the truest comment I've ever seen on this website.

You seem fun.

He's...actually pretty good? Not sure what you're getting at, here.

Everything's a looot more expensive in Hawaii, to be fair - the amount it costs to ship in food is going to be a lot more than most places because of its relative isolation. Of course, whatever they ordered would be expensive anywhere, but Hawaii makes it much more extreme.