E=MC Hammered

Mine’s still only 3, but she keeps trying to increase the complexity of the bedtime routine. Brush teeth, pajamas, read a book, go say goodnight to daddy, tuck in, sing a song, kiss goodnight. She’s always trying to add new things or make the existing ones more complicated. Like insisting that we read the book in the

I was back in Stumptown quite recently, but did not even know such a wonder existed and therefore didn’t stock up - next time I’ll give it a try, so thanks for the tip!

They are trying to make sure the message can be understood by as many people as possible, including non-English speakers and folks for whom English is a second, third, or even fourth language. It looks lame but this isn’t actually that unusual when development orgs and NGO are reaching out to diverse populations. 

I used to do that with provel cheese but I can get it locally now, thank goodness!  I used to get 10# blocks and have the monger cut them into 1# blocks and vacuum seal each one for me.  

What about the 2nd emoji whose meaning is unclear, even in context? STILL not sure what the 90% of cases are exhibiting.

As a former Oregonian, I am pleased you like our local product.  And then I was about to brag about how Seoul now has a Smiths . . . and then I checked, and they do not have THIS tea.  Lots of other teas, for sure, but not this one!

This is exactly it - there’s one pretty close to me, and while I don’t go there much on my own or with a small group, it is absolutely perfect for large groups. Someone’s kid only eats pizza? Another person can’t have gluten/dairy/meat? Some folks want tacos and some others want bbq? Congrats, everyone gets something

Yeah, I’m quite sure Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union were sitting at home thinking to themselves, “you know who we should consult about this? Boosie Badazz. We really shouldn’t make any decisions until we’ve gotten his personal take on the situation.”

They are just too theologically ignorant to understand that Yahweh... according to the Jewish Tanakh... was both male and female... which is why the name for his female aspect in Greek has long been “Sophia” which also means “Wisdom.”

From the Book of Acts Up...IIRC

Yessss! What do you have planned so far?

My mom used to do this to us, growing up. She once got 2 hours of quiet out of us.

I do this all the time with my buddy’s fourth kid. 

Not gonna lie. Seems to me that karma caught up with a racist today. :emoji:

If they are selling you 16 oz of steak at any professional sporting event, much less the Super Bowl, for only $32 then you should question if it is actually cow.

Or the assclowns wearing shorts or a shirt or a hat with an american flag, and yelling at Kaep for disrespecting the flag, even though that’s in no way what he is protesting.

LOL damn Wikipedia FTW

kissing and laughing eating mozzarella sticks

Goddess bless Wikipedia