E=MC Hammered

1997-1998 was my freshman year of college, so basically the same. Also, Sage Francis may be the exception to my rule (I first heard him in 2001 with Makeshift Patriot). He’s one of the only musicians whose new releases I still buy, follow on social media, make sure to see anytime they come through my city, etc.

2. The irrational and disproportionate emotional and spiritual attachment I have to the rappers I listened to and loved when I was younger, which makes it more difficult for a “newer” person to move me.

That may be the case here as well. In my case, I work in education and we started vaccinating that tier on March 1 but had to show proof. I do seem to recall something about people having to “affirm and attest” to their status, so that may have been people qualifying for health reasons.

They make you show proof that you qualify in my county. At least at the site I went to. I had to bring current employee ID, paystub, or W2 to get my shot.

Our hotdog paste is looking extra smooth

or a rare and expensive cut of meat that requires me to travel halfway across the city

Fine, as long as I can still fight employees at sit-down restaurants...

Rich white guy making millions off the unpaid labor of (mostly) black men? Establishment folks aren’t upset he used the word “plantation,” they’re mad that he said the quiet part out loud.

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish you subscribe to your newsletter.

Sourdough bread, chunky peanut butter, and a good berry jelly.

I don’t have any idea who the two golfers in that photo are, but they look like they’re about to go throw a ring into Mt. Doom...

I recorded Yo! almost every weekend between 1991 and 1994. Sometimes I recorded over previous episodes, so I didn’t have everything, but there are dozens of full VHS tapes at my parents’ house packed away in the garage somewhere.

I’m on board for two out of three...

(a.k.a. the record that saved East Coast hip-hop)

I mean, you could disagree, but you’d be wrong. “Most rational people” may have seen him for what he was, but if you believe that, then you have to exclude Republican lawmakers from your definition of “most rational people.” He wasn’t just some guy on the radio saying outrageous stuff, he was literally establishing

I mean, you could disagree, but you’d be wrong. “Most rational people” may have seen him for what he was, but if you believe that, then you have to exclude Republican lawmakers from your definition of “most rational people.” He wasn’t just some guy on the radio saying outrageous stuff, he was literally establishing

This is flat out wrong. He wasn’t just some guy on the radio, he was the driving force behind Republican policy and party platform positions for decades. Other than Republican Presidents, Speakers of the House, and McConnell, he’s probably the single person who has had the most significant impact on Republican party

My go-to lunch stop on road trips to visit my parents makes a great muffuletta. It’s not too messy, but I typically eat there when I stop anyway, so no big deal. But once, when I was running late, I ordered a Reuben sandwich to go and tried to eat it while I drove. That was a mistake.

I’ve made sure my parents know what I’m not flexible on and what I am. Like, if regular bedtime is 8:30 but they stay up until 9:00 with grandma and grandpa? Fine. Dessert every day they are there instead of once a week? Ok. But spanking? Nope. Riding in the front seat of the car? Nope.

It’s easy to find a $10 bottle that tastes good when simmered with tomatoes, garlic, and onions, but it’s harder to find one that I want to guzzle after I’ve poured the needed aliquot for my dish