
Women will buy ANY product if it appears that it will make them feel better. Men, not so much. Men do not respond to advertising nearly as much as women do, which is why women buy 85% of all products. Which is why we are seeing less cars, and more crossovers. They are Madison Avenue’s puppets.

Champagne Edition.....wow.

Now that’s plush.

That’s just another car in Florida.

Stop it, it hurts.

I could honestly see a Stephen King character driving any one of these. Or King himself!

He is the second unluckiest bastard.....remember the B-29 restoration in Greenland? It could be worse!

Why are Toyota commercials so damned mind numbing? I want to tear down their ad agency.

5th Gear: VW Investor Wonders Why Managers Get Paid So Well

What a glorious age we live in. But can we keep these figures quiet so the insurance companies don’t catch wind of this?

My Dad bought that fader switch! But damn, why didn’t he get the pipe organ?

The safety rating of Mustangs just increased by one star!

She was just another one of “Rupert’s Robots”. Murdoch is the modern equivalent to Joseph Goebbels, and Ailes was just another one of his horrible henchmen. If Tantaros has a brain and speaks five languages, how was she so duped by these propagandists?

And so she gladly signed up! After all, look at the picture. And she forgot to mention big boobs and big mouths. Don’t tell me she didn’t know this going in. Fox News is a horrible representation of what they consider news, and has never been “fair” or “balanced”.

And so beginneth the trial by media.

This is where they manufacture offendedness.

As are you.

Why wouldn’t a guy?

BETTER SEX IF YOU BUY THIS CAR!!!!!! Yes, you can see this headline on the cover of the mag. Yes, you can.

Many years ago,(early 80's) we stopped in at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum in Indiana. There was NOBODY in there, so my brother and I just went beyond the velvet ropes and sat in the Cord, and were amazed at the finger ring gear shifter, and even rolled the hidden lights up and down. You couldn’t do that today!