Merica=crossovers, not wagons. (Sigh)
Merica=crossovers, not wagons. (Sigh)
This sounds distinctly like my beer league hockey program. When the playoffs start., the ringers all of a sudden show up after being absent all season, after playing at a higher level.
Well done, sir, well done.
But look at it, it’s (sob) so....BEAUTIFUL!
I can’t believe this coming from someone that was busted for extramarital affairs. And then Livingston getting busted while trying to impeach Clinton.
Since when has Wall Street made sense in the last 30 years? The very steady food and household products segment has been crawling when it comes to gains, but one piece of bad news and the stock plummets.
The Vette, Camaro, even the Buicks are looking pretty good. Impala and Malibu look ok.
I’m surprised that they aren’t on houses yet. COMMERCIAL GRADE VIKING APPLIANCES. You know that’s coming....
But Ohio. What I see. And it hurts.
We need to bring back HARD TIME. And stop supplying the criminals with these weapons. Can you hear me NRA? This threatens the rights of gun owners.
Texting and driving is a statewide phenomenon in Ohio, with about 80% of them being female. Especially younger females.
You sound hurt.
Much better, and more honest, than piping fake sounds through a speaker! Can you hear me Bavaria?
What would be great if Jalopnik could tell us which ones were solved/still unsolved. It works with those Unsolved Mysteries kind of shows, where someone watching a rerun helps to solve the case.
Ford was in deeper doodoo before the others, and was essentially bailed out by the banks when they were still solvent. But the time the sheet hit the fan, GM and Chrysler looked to a gov’t bailout.
But hasn’t he touched us all...inappropriately?
Higher tech means tomorrow’s visit to the dealership. How about fixing your current problems before venturing into the nasty world of gremlins, demons and general hand wringing? I’m looking forward to a low tech BMW.
Trump has inappropriately touched all of us.
What is “Much Ado About Nothing”?
Maybe an ‘87. But it definitely was a TDI.