aberson Bresident of the FullyAssed Committe

One day, when I’m president, we’ll ship every bro truck owner and stance driver to Guam.

I blame Alaska Airlines for this. They should secure their aircraft a little better than this, or at the least get some white hide-a-keys.

For those of you that don’t get it, this is a photo of the pace car driver, Mark Reuss, with Romain Grosjean’s head, team logo from F1, and it’s referencing this single-car incident in Baku

ATC: SWA1380, call the ball.

Counterpoint: Turbos suck.

FTFY. The 4C was the bee’s knees. The upcoming Alpine 110 looks like it’s cut from the same cloth, and will most likely be wicked-good fun as well.

Neutral: What Becomes Of The Boomer Cars?

It took too long so they ended up having one sent overnight from Japan.

Cheers brotha!

Some of your best work yet!!
You done us proud, son.
a guy who knew you back when you were just an aspiring photog on OPPO

Little does she know, the door has fallen off her car. Not covered by warranty.


How about not cranking it with stale gas in the tank and in the lines? You are compounding your issues by sucking that shit through. Yeah, the carb probably already needs a rebuild, but there was a smarter way to go about this.

yup... I took my (lightly modded) Alfa 164-S up to 158 on a public road... in day light and light traffic... Long story, but it involved racing a Mercedes... I don’t condone it, and it was terrifying. Almost as terrifying was slowing down... The Alfa’s aerodynamics were well designed to ram air through the radiator at

Next, the filters are compressed into neat little cubes to squeeze out the last little bit of oil.

not good for jalopnik. following their instructions made me deaf the other day, and dead today

1980s tyre you say