aberson Bresident of the FullyAssed Committe

Being a Caliber, that was a HAPPY accident.

You can change the name she responds to I think. (the device, not your daughter)

A lot of those skid marks are from doing a corner/trick multiple times to hide the cameras. Gymkhana has always taken care to keep cameras and camera operators out of sight, even though the angles often overlap. If you watch closely you’ll occasionally catch a glimpse of a camera or vested film crew member in the

lol *wink*

Nah, that dude too white

“This steering wheel lives in your home and becomes your trusted companion.”

I see where this is going...

with Ronal Teddies or nothing!

Just curious what camera setup you used to get such outstanding low light photos of moving objects

“Well, you see, my ‘70 Challenger has horrible panel gaps and overspray everywhere because that’s how they built it...”

If they move fast they can Dart out of the way of any controversy, though this is a Polara-izng event.....

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

Dodge is truly gonna be Demonized for this. Shame, really.

No. It means the law is to be changed.

I would just like to say that those “alt-right protesters” were protesting the removal of a historical statue. You make it sound like they were being incredibly racist, but all they were doing was arguing against the removal of a statue. I am not trying to defend the fucking cunt who drove his car into the

Well, since this was shared to Jalopnik for some reason, here’s my favorite green colored oil:

Well, since this was shared to Jalopnik for some reason, here’s my favorite green colored oil:

Why are you being greater than 90° about this? Just reweatch the video with open eyes.

By far my worst convertiable experiance was driving down Highway 1 in Big Sur. Top down, wind in my hair, hair in my eyes, hair in my mouth, ... really just hair everywhere... Italian engine roaring... what could be better?

No, that’s Kim Jung Un.

When I’m working, yes I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who’s working hard for you
And when the money, comes in for the work I do
I’ll give up every single paycheck just for you
When I come home (when I come home) well I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I hoon on’ (before I