
Pushing Daisies...

+1 Level 10 Vice President


Over the line, Brett.

Well done. Take your star.

You’d be amazed at how frequently I’ve said this for the last few years.

Is this his new live vlogging platform for his search for the real killer on the golf courses of California?

+1 cowabunga dude

+1 Ope

There’s no asterisk to apply.

They’re putting us Greys on AF1? It’s about fucking time we got our recognition.

+1 Marvin Epstein

Will this functionality work within the context of Android Auto?

What say you, Ferret Face?

He, McConnell, is effectively the most powerful leader of the free world. He wags tongues and tails alike, and generally gets his way.

You know, for a party that despises regulations in business, you would think that they’d support Net Neutrality. Or is it too much of a conflict of interest with not regulating ISPs, at the sake of leaving eCommerce a vast open free for all?

WebMD advises me that it is liver failure, and it will kill him.

+1 New World Organization, brother

I’ll second your assertion.

The Blue Jays, Habs, and Oilers are currently on the line. I can’t understand what they’re saying because of the laughter.