So everything I said was correct, but you just wanted to throw some "BAWWW"s in there. Good to know.
So everything I said was correct, but you just wanted to throw some "BAWWW"s in there. Good to know.
No one's claiming that streamed games will look better than what you could do on a top-end system. But given a fat enough pipe, you can get nicely encoded video that looks very much like what you'd get on a top end system, even if the client only has exceedingly low-end hardware (a TiVo box, a cell phone, an old PC…
The article is actually about XBox Live Arcade game developers switching to other platforms (primarily iPad/iPhone).
Yes, please explain to me what happened to those characters if you disagree with my interpretation of Chrono Cross.
This year's cell phones are going to rival the PSV in power and battery life while offering a much nicer screen. Sure, cell phones are actually more expensive (without contract), but just about anyone that can afford a PSV + $50 games has a smartphone anyway.
It's not merely about the "strength" of the story. It's how Chrono Cross shits all over any fondness anyone might have for Chrono Trigger.
Sorry, but globalization and sweat-shops are a net positive. If Apple stopped making iDevices in China, the quality of life for Chinese workers would go way, way down. That's indisputable.
You can check with China Labor Watch and other watchdog organizations — they all agree that while Foxconn is not without its problems, it's by far the best organization for these kinds of workers in China. Those other factories — the ones you don't hear about because Apple-bashers don't care — are much, much worse.
There are something like 30 new characters. All the stages are new, as is the music. That's pretty substantial.
Moreover, China Labor Watch and other watchdog organizations have stated that Foxconn (and Apple) are amongst the best employers in China for these kinds of positions. All those other companies that make stuff in China are much more abusive towards their workers.
"Why does the image of an Indonesian sewing sneakers for 60 cents an hour evoke so much more feeling than the image of another Indonesian earning the equivalent of 30 cents an hour trying to feed his family on a tiny plot of land—or of a Filipino scavenging on a garbage heap?
Why don't these guys ever release N-Gage ports?
It doesn't need it. What little relevance there was to the story of the first game is made clear in this game.
No, they are not.
I love the fact that [other] people pay for cosmetic DLC. Developers make money without me buying anything? Win-win.
Just make sure you don't use any parts that go through China, right? Which is just about all of them.
My monitor [b]is[/b] a "mammoth" HDTV. It's hooked up to a PC, PS3, 360 and Wii, but not to an antenna, cable box, or satellite dish.
There's no meaningful difference between having a TV and having a [computer] monitor these days.
Have you tried Mirror's Edge for iPad? It's a swipe-based platformer without auto-scroll.