
Was Sony bundling the Dual Shock controller with PlayStations after 1998 an awful business move that made existing systems obsolete? Early PS1 owners had to go out and buy a Dual Analog/Shock controller in order to play those games that required the new control mechanism.

I hope this episode has more characters like that radio news reporter who's befuddled by the notion of putting those newflangled whatamacallits... er, batteries into her portable radio. Maybe Telltale could toss in an automobile mechanic who no understand why car no go when needle point to 'E'? Or a brilliant

The fighting game community is a small sliver of the market, and even within that community, only a small fraction of players would bother with DoA, regardless of whether it was a deep, well-balanced game or not.

It's pretty easy to get into. All in all, it's quite a bit like Heavy Rain but with more conventional controls.



Although they captured my interest at first, I was disappointed to see all three of The Last of Us, Tomb Raider and Watchdogs devolve into insipid third-person stealth/shooters.

Fact: Dracula X Chronicles was the best single player game released in last decade.

More monster-closets-in-space! Now with co-op, just like Xbox version of Doom 3.

The main entrance is between the Catacombs (main entrance) and the female bandit castle. There's another entrance near Greatwall.

This is what "gamers" and games "journalists" were swooning over last generation.

Stab it in the heart? Late game, but prior to the endgame, I don't think any enemy should take more than a minute or two to defeat.


It's an ability. Mages and Sorcerers have no way to dodge. I think all of the other classes have some sort of dodge/backstep move.

FYI: You can indeed block and move. In fact, you can even dodge without letting go of the block button.

I agree that any sort of meaningful review of a creative work must necessarily be subjective. And, to be entirely honest, I actually agree with a lot of what Tina said in this review. I wouldn't even argue the "NO" bottom-line.

Just like Bioware and every other company, right? Hell, even indie XBLA games like Castle Crashers do this.

I always wonder why Kotaku posts reviews when the editors don't seem to think said reviews have any value.

Review scores affect the likelihood of a sequel through the avenue of spurring purchases.

Some people don't find gameplay fun.