
I have to admit that REvelations is the game I'm most looking forward to in 2011, regardless of platform. It's been too long since we've had a game with classic RE atmosphere (although I'm also optimistic about the new Tomb Raider's survival horror elements).

I don't follow your reasoning. The only things that will change between the PC version and the console versions are:

They're more different than Ryu and Ken, but less different than Kyo and Iori.

Solution: Eyebuydirect, Zenni Optical, Goggles4U.

It's ridiculous to have humans strafing and running and gunning the way they do in video games as it is. Is this stretching incredulity too far?

Your cited sources really have nothing to do with the argument being made. Sure, commerical prisons are making money (just like the guards who guard prisoners are making money, the contractors who feed the prisoners are making money, etc.) — but the vast majority of that money comes from the government (and is paid

Really? It appears to be another generic FPS with a zombie theme.


A submarine is not a cylinder.

Paper Mario? Layton v. Wright? Resident Evil: Revelations?


There are fans who think CC is a "brilliant sequel"? Apologists are more likely to say that it's a good/great game taken on its own merits and advise new players to blow off the CT connection.

And Peter David does so with far more humor and fun (Sir Apropos of Nothing). ;)

Gaiman's American Gods should also be on that very short list. Apologies for the late correction.

None who haven't designed, created and published a video game should comment negatively on them, right? Certainly not the bloggers of Kotaku, none of whom have ever crafted a game so fine as Superman 64.

@WingsOfDaidalos: Calling anything Martin's written "literature" is stretching the meaning of the term. Some of his earlier short stories were interesting (for their time, at least), but A Song of Fire and Ice is recycled fantasy dreck, replete with cliches that ceased to be entertaining while Reagan was still

If you like Shadows Over Camelot, you should definitely try Battlestar Galactica and The Resistance.