
Blockus is especially great with two players. But I have to admit I'm not particularly good at that kind of abstract game. :(

@Zarkumo: Fury of Dracula is my favorite guilty pleasure. It may not be as streamlined or brain-burning as a top-notch Euro like Age of Steam or The Princes of Florence, but it's dripping with theme and extraordinarily enjoyable. I can't recommend it highly enough for players who can put up with a little fiddliness.

@digimope: The problem is you've only played the crappy, mass-market shovelware games. Dismissing board gaming on the grounds of Monopoly, RISK, Candy Land, etc. being terrible is like dismissing video games based on Ninjabread Man and Jumper.

Zelda's Lullaby is from A Link to the Past.

I wasn't impressed by the music in the trailer when I first viewed it, but that's pretty cool.

@hagren: It is an entirely new setting.

The great element of dungeon crawl board games is that they take so little time. You can blow through a dungeon with twenty or thirty encounters in an hour or two. My D&D group would take at least ten times as long to do the same.

I'm not particularly fond of HeroQuest, as Descent and the new D&D board game line (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, Legend of Drizzt) are so much better, but it was pretty impressive for twenty years ago.

@CharginTarge: AC needs more Sherlock Holmes and Dracula in London. ;)

"Why aren't there more gay video game heroes?"

@Deadsider: Sony's not the victim. We, Sony's customers are the victims. It was our information that was targeted, our information that was stolen, and our money, credit, and identities that are at risk. What has Sony lost? The goodwill of the victims? Boo-hoo.

@Jackman941: Wow. That could easily pass as official artwork (and I mean that in the best possible way).


I am of the opinion that a game's historical importance does not factor into an analysis of the quality of the game itself. I mean, Street Fighter 1 and Renegade were both incredibly important games historically speaking, but that doesn't mean that they aren't garbage.

It looked like shit even at the time. Non-gamers and "journalists" were obliviously blown away by "3D" graphics, no matter how inadequate, just as they were by FMV a few years prior.

Between OoT/MM and WW/TP, you mean? WW and TP have significantly upgraded combat engines (rolling, combos, etc.) and much tighter jumping and hopping mechanics. Obviously the use of items and environments is also much expanded (particularly in WW, where Link can pick up enemy weapons, swing on chandeliers, and hide in

I never cared for Ocarina of Time back in the day — it was hideous (as were most N64 games, to be fair) and had boring, clunky gameplay. Wind Waker, on the GameCube, was a tremendous improvement across the board; not only was it beautiful, but everything about the gameplay was much improved (apart, perhaps, from the

@emag: Pardon my French.
