
Why would Microsoft announce the next-gen XBox at E3 this year if it wasn't due to ship until late 2012? The 360 was officially revealed just before E3 2005 and launched in November of that year. And it wasn't until well into 2004 that any information was leaked regarding the "XBox 2", with Microsoft not confirming

I don't buy the 2015 date. I'd be shocked if Microsoft does not release its next generation console by late 2012, Kinect be damned.

@jayntampa: I'm not aware of any practical, small-sized displays that can be used precisely with both a finger and a stylus.

@BioXhazard: That's not true for lithium ion batteries. In fact, it's exactly the opposite of what you should do.

Sony's not foolish enough to make this kind of claim, thankfully; stating that late-this-year's $399 (?) NGP is about as powerful as next year's free-with-contract cell phone isn't a great well to sell your product.

Not exactly bedtime story material, is it?

I really miss the Wind Waker visual style and presentation.

So, are you all enjoying Puzzle Strike? You know, David Sirlin's Dominion-esque Puzzle Fighter-themed chip-based card game?

@phitch: They did, but only released it in Japan (via Satellaview).

@SycoJack: I'm sure it's cheaper to live in the sticks, but if you live anywhere near civilization (e.g., NYC, DC), you'll be paying upwards of $1000/month for a very modest studio apartment. Two or three bedroom houses go for millions, easily, in any sort of safe/clean neighborhood near the cities.

@-Silver-: If all I wanted was to explore forests and fight random bears, I'd go outside.

@flanker22: It's a PC-centric game by a PC-centric developer. You can't expect the level of polish that a console developer would put in.

Having purchased a PSP-2000 at launch in 2007, I must say that I haven't regretted the purchase, despite there being only one exclusive that I cared for (and even that was merely a remake of an old 8-bit game).

@paco650: On the other hand, the "conservative" options are how you ultimately save the lives of your citizens from the invading horde.

FFXII also required players to unlock gambit slots, conditions, and actions — and many of the useful conditions/actions weren't available until late in the game. Moreover, FFXII enemies continuously throw out a variety of status ailments, for each of which you'd need to waste a slot.

Do you happen to know if all seven tactics slots are open by default this time around? I hope they don't have to be unlocked as in DA:O. :(

@Pexx Primo: Hey, those of us who had played PC RPGs before Baldur's Gate came on the scene decried BG as being tremendously dumbed down from the classic Gold Box titles. Compared to that monumental step, I don't recognize further dumbing down in Dragon Age or Mass Effect.

Nor is Carmack's Rage HD.