
Also: Multiple Neg-Cons and rarely-used guns, but no Saturn 3D controller or N64 pad?

@Toastie: Have you read I Am Legend?

@lazlopink: This is why we shouldn't want to know more about people's personal lives or beliefs.

A movie about two people who argue on the internet and in so doing being the rulers of the planet? Yeah, that'll work.

@William Henry Harrison: The line was ludicrously lengthy, stretching almost all the way to 6th Ave., and moving at a glacial pace, even after the cake-cutting. We just walked by and looked in the window instead.

And so, in this game, you can get lost in an uncommon video game emotion: anger that hungers for justice.

@MichaelPalin: Or you can just buy any game for $2.99 outright and not pay $0.099 a play.

Unplayable! [/SFA3 announcer voice]

When Scott was blown out into the void of space, I thought, "Wow! SGU finally killed off a major character! This show's getting better!"

@photonarbiter: Sending a voice message is much slower and much less convenient (especially for the recipient) than sending a text message.

The XBox 360 menus are still incredibly slow — now there's even an animated graphic to assure you that the system is just taking its sweet time to bring up that menu you asked for several seconds ago.

@Toasticus: Dead or Alive 1 had a ton of unlockable costumes, and its sequels followed suit.

@manuelrincon: That patent expired years ago. Besides, it's extremely narrow in scope. There are plenty of non-Nintendo controllers with decent d-pads, and the big N has never sued any of their respective companies for infringement.

@Smash Bro: I'd expect the PSPhone to be marketed primarily as a phone, the same way iPhone and Droid are, with the differentiating feature being gaming, rather than as a gaming platform with extra capabilities.

@Smash Bro: I can't speak to (1) or (2), although I don't think either of them is as big of a deal as you're making it out to be, but the PSPhone shouldn't be any more expensive to make than a standard Android phone. The guts (and screen) are the same, after all — all that's different are the gamepad and buttons that

I like it.

@DirtyColossus: Huh. I don't remember partaking in that activity in Mechwarrior. Perhaps I played a censored version. ;)

@3dken: If that's true, than "PC Gaming Week" is certainly misnamed. Kotaku covers "PC" — DS, PS3, PSP, XBox 360, and Wii, as well as iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad — games all the time.

@Barcode711: All of the above have keyboard support. All also require text to be entered via a physical or virtual keyboard for core functionality.