
Is the 1977 TRS-80 a PC? Surely the 1981 IBM PC is a PC, but is the 1984 Mac a PC, too? The 2004 OQO Model 1? How about the 2010 iPad? The Panasonic Jungle? The Motorola Droid? The Playstation 3?

@Pixel Breaker: And people who got into gaming a little before you were sick of all the franchises and companies they loved on the NES and SNES going to the PS and XBox.

@yantelope: The fewer first/third person shooters we get, the better. The entire genre is a pox upon gaming.

@NewFromWashu: What choices were there in previous Final Fantasy games?

VII didn't do anything special, outside of graphics/FMV. But I can understand how it's special to those who began gaming in the late 1990s.

@Dan2593: Try Dragon Quest IX on the DS. It's not Final Fantasy, but Final Fantasy is hardly Final Fantasy these days.

@JonnyTanna: How does jailbreaking help you bypass firmware updates?

@IcoSotc: Moreover, most PS3 games, despite the virtues of Blu-Ray, are less than 6 GB dowloads, about the same size as XBox 360 and even some Wii games. And being able to play games off of a hard drive instead of the slow Blu-Ray disks is a significant advantage.

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@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: I wasn't very impressed by VF4's tutorial mode. While it does cover a large amount of material, it's combo training is not much different from SF4's, and the additional information presented regarding throws, walls, and recovery options is so divorced of gameplay that it's difficult to

@Skutarth: Panasonic isn't asking developers for anything, let alone ports. The Jungle plays existing Java-based browser games, like Runescape, and upcoming Java-based browser games, like Battlestar Galactica Online.

On the other hand, the Famicom's second controller has a microphone. The mic, of course, was most famously used to defeat Pols Voice in The Legend of Zelda.

The Panasonic Jungle is a platform for browser-based games, and more specifically Java-based browser games.

@Ravenwulf: The behavior of Arab countries towards refugees from Palestine/Israel is not relevant. The refugees are Palestinian immigrants who've left their land in Israel/Palestine and traveled to other countries — they're not citizens of said countries, but recent migrants. The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank

@Ravenwulf: I'm not sure what that link is supposed to add to the discussion. It merely reiterates, in greater detail, what I wrote above.

@Ravenwulf: Palestinians do not have the option to become Israeli citizens. Israel will not even consider the possibility.

@Ravenwulf: Absolutely false. Israel will not even consider allowing Palestinians (from the West Bank and Gaza) to become Israeli citizens. That's the root of the entire problem.

@Ravenwulf: That's not true. Israel has steadfastly refused to allow Palestinians to become citizens — that's the "one-state solution" that is intolerable to Israelis, as it would mean that Israel would have a larger non-Jewish population than Jewish population.

@NorthStar37: Who are the Palestinians? If they're part of Israel, why can't they be Israeli citizens? If they're a separate nation, how can their land and their lives be controlled by Israel?