@bnui_ransder: Master of none.
@bnui_ransder: Master of none.
@legendnthemaking: Like the ones in FFVII and FFVIII?
So, where's Chrono Cross, Square-Enix?
As others have noted, Capcom didn't release much of note in the previous fiscal year — Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5 were released before the last fiscal year started and Super Street Fighter IV was released after the last fiscal year ended.
@cityslicker05: Works for me.
@IR1: Driving while brown is enough to merit a stop.
@resvrgam: I was providing an analogy. You're against letting criminals go free, right? So why are you against anti-fraud laws that would encourage police officers to require financial information from the ethnic group most commonly committing fraud?
@Kryptolojik: "Also. If your issue is with racial profiling and you are a US citizen who has done nothing wrong, then do what everyone else does, sue."
@resvrgam: But... but... How dare they enforce fraud laws and target a perceived group known as the majority of offenders of these laws?
@NoBodysGamer: You do realize that most American conservatives were dead-set against citizen ID ("Real ID") cards, right? This was a huge point of contention about five years ago.
@flashtut: Although the quote is probably closer to "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
@cbadger1: "THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
So how does hex-based movement work with the numpad on one's keyboard? Is the middle row (456) ignored?
@Zinger314: Definitely. There are plenty of levels later on wherein if you dilly-dallied, you'd run out of time.
@Nerubasasin19: And blows (well, spits).
This is delicious.
@Shadow: There's River City Ransom EX for the GBA.
@Kobun: Dudley has too much dignity to rush home. Instead, he has his butler fly over in a helicopter with tea and biscuits.
@Sam-urai: The chart is of average cumulative playtime. So the worst that can happen is a lot of new people pick up the game but play very little of it, decreasing the average significantly.