
I just hope MvC3 draws inspiration from the excellent (character specific!) music and great background stages of MvC1 and does away with MvC2's terrible jazz soundtrack and meaningless backgrounds.

@drakanwolf: Same deal. MvC2 used mostly old sprites from old games (X-Men: CotA, MSH, SFA, Darkstalkers); the new sprites weren't of particularly high quality, either. Compared to contemporaries like Mark of the Wolves and especially Street Fighter III, MvC2 looked terrible from the very day it was released.

@Ghengis_John: There is no united India — Pakistan and Bangladesh (and Kashmir) were created in mass migrations and forged in bloody wars. Even within India itself, terrible ethnic riots were and are common, a legacy of the British Empire's policy of divide and conquer.

@ostartero: SMB2 was hardly a SMB game; besides, it didn't introduce any suits.

I was as big a fan as anyone of Kuribo's Shoe and the Hammer Bros. suit, but IMO, Nintendo should limit Mario's power-ups to Starman, Mushroom, Fire Flower, and one well-integrated specialty per game (with my choice being Super Leaf/Raccoon, Mini Mushroom, or Ice Flower).

@Tj Harrell: Really? Kotaku's audience has been, on the whole, strongly pro-piracy. The editors have not been blatantly so, but neither have they been anti-piracy.

@Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.: Many games do work fine, but Chrono Cross has a number of issues (crashing in the intro sequence if you use any techniques, crashing during the Komodo Mama battle, tremendous slowdown once you gain party members later on, crashing in the status menu, having to boot from the

@VyseTheQuick: Well, there are certain programs I wouldn't want to see cuts to: education, transportation, science funding, consumer and environmental protection agencies, intelligence gathering and law enforcement, etc.

@Gray Harvest: Again, pork is what sells the bill to the constituents.

@Pillage2: Social Security is paid for through FICA payroll deductions, not regular federal fund tax dollars, and so arguably is not part of the budget proper (it's a separate and independent account).

@Gray Harvest: Because what economists and business leaders have to say (even when there is some sort of consensus) is not politically viable.

@Karl1982: Federal politicians earn a pittance in salary and benefits — just about every one who leaves politics with an important office on their record and joins the private sector earns far more (often by at least an order of magnitude) and for less work.

@PyroGhozt: I believe Luke was being sardonic.

At best, this is a PR stunt.

@GohanEgret: It is even more likely that DQX would switch to DS/3DS than any of those. C'mon, DQ IX sold like gangbusters.

How good is the keyboard navigation with Kylo?

@Godmars: Did you read Fahey's post?

@ARCH_27: I'd go back and edit if I could.