
I was full body groped in an isolated space on a movie set (not in the biz, just a p.a. job in college) by an assistant director. I was 18 and very sheltered, I froze like a statue. Believe or not, Gene Hackman broke it up by entering the space and asking an off-hand question (whether he noticed or not, I love him for

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone are “libertarians” which is a Republican who is desperate to be cool.

So.... either Comedy Central is there; South Park Studios is there or someone is getting sued because the placard on the upper left looks like pretty blatant copyright infringement.

I’d like some more information about this poster, including the details at the bottom that are too fuzzy to make out.

How the hell did someone get the rights to PC Principal... or is this a lawsuit in the making?

They should get a woman to direct the movie. Kathryn Bigelow?

Now playing

Instead of an opening crawl can we have Luis recap the story instead?

Aimée, it’s “Brookline” and I used to work at a dance studio in that town back when I was in college so I’m not surprised. It’s filled with elitist parents whose children were precious little snowflakes (at least where I worked at), who thought that Boston was a lawless wasteland they were afraid to trek to

If you’re anti-abortion but respect that it’s your personal decision and are cool with letting others do whatever they want because they ALSO get to make that personal decision, by all means join us.

Maybe I am not understanding, but after listening to the election hearings, Trump is going to be benefiting from so much.
Trump saying his daughter is “going to be the best first daughter American has seen” - is insane. She is a grown woman, with a family - why are we even allowing her access to anything?
Trumps son’s

A fortnight? Who wrote this? Liam Nesson?

While I loved Rogue One, there are some criticisms of it that I absolutely understand or even agree with. The lead characters are under-developed. The first two acts are unevenly paced. What the hell exactly was Forrest Whitaker doing? Etc. All fair, all fine, I get these.

Remember the idiots who voted for Brexit and were shocked when it passed, because their vote was an anti-establishment “protest” vote and not an actual endorsement of Brexit and it was safe to do so ‘cause the polls said Brexit wouldn’t pass anyway? I guarantee millions who voted for Trump did so as some kind of

Scrantonicity might be available. He did win Pennsylvania.

And yet many of us - myself included - were like “There is no way a signficant amount of ‘undecided voters’ would choose this disaster of a human being over an overqualified and competent woman for president.” I feel so fucking stupid.

I wanna live in the fantasy land people who thought Bernie Sanders could have won a general election in the US are living in. Because it sounds like a nice place. I want to go there. That is not a world where Donald Trump could even come close to being elected president, even squeaking by on a technical Electoral

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re already having a Constitutional crisis. We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy, we have a president-elect who may or may not have won the election fair-and-square, but most definitely lost the popular vote by at least 2.5 million votes, and