
i would take pro-lifers a lot more seriously if they worked to reduce the demand for abortions rather than just cutting off the supply. If you make them all illegal tomorrow, people are still going to get them, it will just be dangerous for everyone involved. Why not work to make birth control and education

I really dislike people talking about misogyny and racism as opposing, even competing forces. Even if it wasn’t overly simplistic, it implies that misogyny and racism are two discrete, non intersecting forces of oppression, and that misogyny therefore only happens to white women. Women of color (like Holtzclaw’s

I know one “fashion house” that would love to work with her husband’s entire administration: Hugo Boss

“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.

Some people simply shouldn’t have children. If 99% of people either resisted societal pressure to have kids or waited until they were emotionally stable and financially prepared before having them, we’d crush poverty within 20 years.

Now playing

It is very upsetting that the same place that gives us Rick and Morty also has to give us this nonsense.

“Me, too.”

If you're wondering later, "Gee crime, I don't know" was when I decided to kick your ass.

I am a 27 year old white male and everyone throughout the primary assumed that I was a Sanders supporter but I’ve been on the Clinton donation list since she announced her candidacy. Since I only vote for pro-abortion rights candidates, the choice was simple. Not only is Clinton a woman and perhaps a little more