
Just as an FYI, I’ve known Billy for almost twenty years, directed him three times now, and have always been impressed with what a completely kind soul he is. Really, one of the good guys.

I have liked most Tarantino movies, but what happened to Sharon Tate is perhaps the most horrific violence against a woman imaginable and I see absolutely no need to put it up on the big screen. I am not on board.

If you are an Oscar voter and you don’t watch a movie nominated for 4 Oscars (including Best Picture)... I really have to ask:


Every relationship I’ve had has ended not because of interpersonal problems, but because of jobs. Relocation specifically.

But... but I thought we were lazy and refused to work? Now it turns out we’re actually heartless, career-driven monsters? Gosh, I just can’t keep our role in society straight.

I would definitely choose money. People who say to choose love over money have never had to worry about money.

There’s a good chance of that happening anyway.

If that happens, Harrison Ford is going to crash his plane into your house.

Thoughts and prayers

I’m so sick and tired of this argument. Because some people will find a way to get a weapon and hurt people, we shouldn’t do anything to make that harder for them? It’s all or nothing?

Not so hot take? Maybe let’s stop blaming actresses for decisions that were made 100% without their knowledge and probably by a white male production manager or production coordinator. Where’s the header photo of Adam Driver? Judd Apatow? The fucking CEO of HBO? I’ve worked on a lot of sets. When I was in film school,

Not true.

I am SUUUUUUURE if Sony had obtained the rights then the Marvel movies would still be as popular and lucrative.

I found it a bit too centered on teh white Parents feelings about EVERYTHANG, but let us know- your story is important, PERIOD.

Circling back to this whole likely plotline, it would be waaayyyy better and wayyyy darker if it played out like this:

His column is fucking mindroasting:

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

Viewers are advised that what they are viewing is a spectacle and is not real and that the train will not, in fact, come out of the movie screen and run over them.

That was a very cool, dramatic moment that elicited gasps and all kinds of vocal reactions from the audience I saw this with.