
Problem is if this were to happen the industry would more likely interpret it as a decline in female audience and be less likely to invest in media by and for women. Because all they really look at are the numbers. A better strategy would be to vote with your wallet in the other direction. All the movies that are by

Now the story of a Spice Smuggler who dumped everything overboard and the Wookie who had no choice but to keep them all together. It’s Han Solo’s Arresting Development.

Preparing myself for the comments like

I think you misunderstand what Danielle is saying. She’s NOT saying white people should stop being outraged and should stop protesting. She’s saying white people should stop automatically saying, “But, I’m one of the good guys.” Because that statement changes the focus to you.

Disney’s altering the deal? I pray they don’t alter it any further...


This. A million times, this. We keep doing this whole “it’s about 92% what I want, but that missing 8% is really bugging me. Fuck it, burn it to the ground.” It’s the same fucking reason people wouldn’t vote for Hillary, and now we have a potato chip in the White House.

Schumer held together a caucus that ranges from Sanders to Manchin (a guy who literally shot the original ACA in an ad). But of course we need to find the negative in everything because we wouldn’t be Democrats if we weren’t always looking for something to complain about.

When your compassion is so heavily outweighed by your hatred for people who don’t “deserve” what you have, this is of course the society we get. They want to feed the right kind of children from the right kind of families.

John Mulaney has a bit in one of his standup specials where he says that he grew up before children were special, and I know what he means. I was often allowed to just sort of do as I pleased, and those days are over. However, I think we now live in a time in which only one’s own children have any value. Other

As a Korean female I have to admit I do find myself wondering why so many white females seem to get upset, butt hurt, bent out of shape, or what have you whenever there is something that celebrates black females or culture. Koreans celebrate our Korean pride all the time, hell we celebrate Kimchee (cuz it’s !@#$%

I have friends who have children, and I *used* to purchase/look at baby gifts - clothes, diapers, strollers, etc. on line. I was flooded with advertising for all things baby-related, even though I was looking at items for other people. I can’t deal with the onslaught, so I started to shop in stores, or send my

who the fuck goes after a no kill dog shelter?

His suit and shoes suck - which are pretty good indicators that he’s an asshole. That and the whole republican/huckatrump nonsense

Wouldn’t you be if she was talking?

This is a huge step up from her last outfit, where she looked like she was going to a Mommy’s Book and Wine Binge meeting right after.

“If I close my eyes the shame can’t find me...”

I had crossed eyes as a kid (corrected, but once in awhile, they don’t track quite as efficiently as others’) and my sisters called me “Igor” for years and years. When they weren’t straight up calling me “Marty Feldman”!

He deserves a beating for those socks.