
I love all the comments saying people won’t pay for this lmaooo as if the world didn’t just give Disney over a BILLION dollars to see a live action reboot of movie that they’ve already seen/own

Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them.

As someone that volunteers at a local animal shelter, Lena Dunham can go fuck herself. I’ve seen good dogs being returned after getting adopted and it stays with them.

I found out that a guy I went to college with is one of her assistants. We were in the same major, classes and even did some group projects together. He’s the black sheep of our class and not friends with most of us on FB anymore. Anyways, I saw this picture of him during the presser today. Is it just me or does he

Aww thats too bad! My dream cast for Kerrigan was Allison Williams.

You as a tax payer should pay for birth control, just like I as a tay payer has to pay for Viagra. And not all pregnancies are just people don’t have “a little bit of self control.” People could be using protection but still have an accidental pregnancy or even worse become pregnant as a result of getting raped.