
Who’s the other guy with Jill?

...And I would never shake hands with anyone having their backsides exposed.

The t-shirt is 640USD???

Sorry Togashi...it looks like the latter would happen 1st...

This is a such an obvious theme, we really should have seen this coming...but...

I have 1 remedy that works instantly.

And Min-Liang Tan ‘wishes’ to cooperate with Elon Musk, another abusive boss!

These porters are too courageous to carry that load onto mountains! I would be so scared because of the possibility of falling...

I’ve seen better attempts at constructing sentences from people who have English as their 2nd language and they were not confident about it...

Hmm, I don’t know...part of the influencer thing is buying bots to increase subscription numbers.

Except that’s not true,

What? No mention of curry puff?

The winner was so disturbing I had to off my music for fearing I could taint my ‘association’ with the lovely music.

So you’re a supporter for abusers and child sexual abusers...

Two Point Hospital.

Abuses his wife, finds connection in a sexual abuser’s redemption musical(it was his glove! *vomits*)...Repeat it for me, who is going to watch that?

Opps! Lolz at me but I still think it’s traumatic.

Pretty traumatic to give that to kids. I was already a teenager but still...

Yep, pretty much their lifespan ends. Couldn’t do anything about it. I seem to remember that 3 or 4 was severely limiting in its options to maximize stats quickly? The exploration was great but damn I really hate being unable to explore further because my monster was near dead and I had to build up everything again...

Dying? Isn’t it running away?