
You didn’t post any points about this abuse case so you don’t have any leg to stand on. Or are you seriously saying your insults are supposed to be the points?
Also pretty delusional to think that you’re so “infamous” that people whether in the US(millions) or around the world (billions) would know your name!

In order to find out the truth of this case, intelligent human beings research about the subjects while analyzing the accuracy of the information. If you can’t even do the bare minimum, why should anyone think your words have any validity? You can’t even use a few seconds to read but you used the time to post nonsense.

It appears you didn’t read any of the facts that I posted.
What evidence is there that Amber Heard is as guilty as Johnny Depp when she tried to defend herself that resulted in scratches on Johnny Depp? That’s the only medical records that the hospital staff could record and tied to Amber Heard.

This coming from the person who barely answered any of my questions (especially of your persistence to have several times questioning why I chose to post)yet have the guts to say to me:

You could just look at my old posts to find out that’s not true.
But hey I guess cult fans of talentless actors can never conduct the barest minimum of scrutiny and need to rely on FALSE INFORMATION.

...Why is his a trial a competition to you weirdos? Imagine defending either of them. Like, why do that? It just reflects on how awful you seem as a person.

Now playing

(also accused of abusing film crew, long production delays and a nasty temper)
Is that why Nickelodeon cancelled Dan Schneider’s Game Shakers and

You also criticized on various issues both serious and non-serious with comparisons. Maybe we should be asking why are your standards on which topic humans should be focusing on, be the correct ones?
That’s what I meant. Not forgetting you already posted to me twice, so evidently my posts stirred some interests from

WOW, so you’re saying I shouldn’t be angry that society condones famous white men that abuse others.


You can’t recognize that Johnny Depp is trying to manipulate the situation to ensure Amber Heard would lose her role in Aquaman when he still have movie roles since their 2017 trial? Far more than hers? (Which Johnny Depp has been stalking the actors on Aquaman too).

Ah yes it appears that insults like BABY or FAT OLD MAN is on the same level as threatening to murder your wife when they were still married, to you.
And then laid out the plans to several friends via text messages that Johnny Depp wanted to kill Amber Heard by DROWNING, then BURNING her body and then RAPE HER CORPSE.

So you’re saying you would never insult your abuser, wow I didn’t know that victims of abuse would never hate their abusers as you DELUSIONALLY THINK.

Wow you couldn’t just put everything in 1 post? And within minutes of each post which you could just edit the 1st post. It shows how utterly overhyped you are over defending a known serial abuser who also abuses the film crew. Or maybe it shows how desperately thirsty you are for Johnny Depp.

The same ex-girlfriend said the media over sensationalized it and we can can see the charges was never filled in the end. SO YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELF TO BE A LIAR.

WRONG, this is a legit magazine that exists in the UK since the 1930s. Which their domain has been around since 31st August 2000.

The wayback machine didn’t record this website in 2016 and before.
Which this website exists since 31st August 2000.

So why is the entire 2016 (and before) has no records of the glamormagazine.co.uk? Could it be the wayback machine simply didn’t record it?
Which this website exists since 31st August 2000.

Medical Records of Amber Heard’s injuries, 7 witnesses, + the hospital record that Johnny Depp INJURED HIMSELF to write on the walls with his blood which he falsely blamed Amber Heard of cutting his finger.

Yeah, that’s not the only lie Depp made.
When the original trial happened in 2016 and ended in 2017, Depp was still allowed on the Pirates of the Caribbean movie “Dead Men Tell No Tales”.