
My point was that China’s people are interested in Xiaomi and Huawei(read Chronoboy’s comment). There are also a few recent creations that add to smartphone usage.

It ended with no damages (literally, that’s what the jury ended).

Sony Xperia XZ2

Hmm, I guess so. Thanks for explaining!

Ohmigosh I found 23 errors...in my previous reply. This is why I shouldn’t type when I’m want to sleep...

So? Plato’s writings is around 2400 years ago. His work ‘The Republic’ is very influential in political theory and philosophy.

Copied From Yadadada,

Hmm...but wouldn’t a game developer would need the approval of Sony before they can release a game on their system? That’s what I mean.

What about the music? It was copied.

Reread the article,

How did the Lamia Cosplayer manage to carry that tail around?

So...how did this pass at Sony?

...What about Huawei or Xiaomi?

Every time a politician encourages violence, it emboldens extremists.

Do you mean like the belief where every religious person is mentally ill based on anecdotal experiences that ends up convenient for you to explain your prejudice while you neatly separate atheism extremism? Yeah, I can see how eventually that can hurt people by using laws to force against their will to change them. I

Ah yes, the same harassment and death threats because you can’t think of any English theory to defeat me. Even the test I gave have no answers from you. Pathetic.

And then you went to even more offensive ideas about religions. Is it any wonder that every religious person you talked to, became miffed at you? The idea that other people are the problem when you show the same contempt attitude to them and you expect them to act nice to you...how is this logical? This is pretty much

Should the crimes of other people be carried by everyone in that group?

That just means the content you usually watch is offensive. There is streaming content that isn’t offensive, it’s not that hard to find.

DF Youtube for Firefox!