
So people paid $50-60 multiple times for a low-poly, low-res Lara model when they could have just jerked off to the numerous print and video ads featuring a much higher-poly and higher-res Lara in much skimpier outfits and suggestive  poses..?

?? You’re mad they just had a disclaimer that the game hasn’t been edited? Seems weird, but okay. Anyway I think preserving the game would hold more weight if remasters didn’t almost universally always butcher the original look of the games. Look like an old pc game with somebodys bad “hd texture pack,” which is

let’s not mince words here—given Crystal Dynamics spent 2013 through 2018 making some of the most white-savior-promoting games in modern history

I think alterations to the original material is a “dammed if you do dammed if you don’t” situation. Thinking from that perspective, it seems logical to not allocate resources to change these. Also, we don’t see Hollywood making any of these types of changes to their re-releases. Not sure if this deep a criticism is

The homophobia is absolutely brutal, and its a genre that still hews slavishly to the male gaze.

So like, as I have grown in the years since first playing Persona 5, not only is the absence and hostility towards queerness, but the idea that as a male protagonist I just have this buffet of women at my beck and call and

The casual brutal homophobia on JRPGs that is never, ever, covered by even this media, and I am looking at some writers here who were supposed to be very concerned about representation...

If you’ve ever played games with romance options, features characters in relationships, or presents characters in a sexualized way, congrats, you’ve played a game that addresses gender and sexuality.

So what you’re saying is that context is key, and absent context, you’re just spitting numbers out that have no meaning?

Heck, with the Persona games there’s a huge uproar over ‘censorship’ when we are removed as a cultural punching bag.

Like, if I had a nickel for how many times Atlus inserted queer people into a comic relief scene just to make them seem predatory and then removed it later I would have 2 nickels but its still

P3 is a JRPG which is like the antithesis of a CRPG so I don’t think there’d be much crossover there (or with FF7 Rebirth). Banishers is a third-person action game with RPG elements. King Arthur is a turn-based tactics game while Thaumaturge is more of a narrative RPG.

People are noticing that they are upset about noticing that the method of making things noticeable is working, they don’t notice how upset they’d be if they couldn’t notice something because it wasn’t noticeable.

“Do you think games are getting too realistic and, as a result, the worlds are too busy and hard to read?”

For a good example of why Yellow Paint may be necessary, watch a Streamer play the We Sing level of Alan Wake 2.

The unwashed reddit/tweetosphere needs to understand that THEY are not representative of the other millions who play videogames and aren’t terminally online. This kind of thing isn’t FOR THEM. The devs didn’t put that stuff in to insult your intelligence, they put it in for the normies and there are way more of them

MS pulling a Sega and leaving the console hardware business up to only Sony and Nintendo would be absolutely terrible for everyone, regardless of which side of the console war you are on.

Persona 2 most likely being another remaster with QoL updates and not a full remake is kind of disappointing. Mainly because despite them being my favorite games in the series, there are some really outdated things regarding combat, negotiations and Persona acquisition. And quality of life upgrades are always nice,

Y’all know what happens when Disney dips it’s hands into games.

I would please like one order of Dead Rising set on a mega cruise ship.

I used to think this too but...nah, I do think “fandom” as it is used and exists today is inherently toxic. I’m a fan of Final Fantasy, love the games and pretty much buy every new one, but I would hesitate to say I’m in the “Final Fantasy Fandom” because to me that means a much bigger emotional buy-in than I actually

Oh hey, it’s today’s reminder that fandom is inherently toxic.