
What you consider is irrelevant. Spanish people are in fact Hispanic. This is a basic fact you can google lol.

Translation: “I don’t care what the word ‘hispanic’ means because then it’s even more clear that I’m an idiot and my ignorant rage is unfounded”

If you don’t care then why are you objecting to people doing it?

I’m sorry, what? You don’t recall there being Hispanic people in a game that takes place in SPAIN, where all game they’re speaking SPANISH?

The existence of queer people isn’t “politics,” it’s reality, you complete idiot.

For the record, South Korea is infamously unreasonable on this matter. They regularly jail pacifist religious preachers for conscientious objection despite very obviously meeting all of the qualifications the court cited.

Being jailed for refusing to serve isn’t a punishment because it’s for the same length of time? Probably would come as a surprise to the people that wrote this law.

Great to know Korea’s Supreme Court basically operates on the same moral intelligence level as teen fanfic writers.

i reckon those 18 months are gonna hit different when the guys lookin for work or probably enrollment in any number of government services

No, obviously if there’s anything you like to do to fake people made of pixels and polygons, you’re totally cool with doing it to real flesh and blood people as well.

I can’t think war is terrible if I enjoy playing shooters?

They didn’t hours ago when I commented.

Feels like you could’ve included a visual of what the new UI looks like for comparison.

While its more subtle, the revolver UI is still there. Take a closer look at the crescent moon shape to the left compared to where the combat menu is.

What kind of human garbage threatens people, especially BABIES, over a fictional character? Just unbelievable.

Ken Levine feels like the exception that proves the rule. I have a hard time coming up with these “Brand Names” that you’re thinking of unless we’re talking Japanese game development, which would be a notably different culture from the men featured in this article.

It tickles me how half the cast is rated lower than a dog, but I totally get it. I’d die for Koromaru.

“I wasn’t able to corroborate that...”

I much prefer physical, because it’s actually ownership. Ownership matters. I’ve got an old Game Boy and dozens of games that I can still play with new hardware (Though my GBA SP still works). Digital games are dependent upon keeping the hardware working, because downloading the game won’t work forever. For Nintendo,

It actually feeds into the whims of transphobes thinking that trans should literally not exist. It’s why this is bad.